Peaceful Picnickers to Take Stand Against Off-Roaders

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
"A Kanab businesswoman is organizing a "picnic with a purpose" alongside the Paria River as a peaceful way to speak out against hundreds of off-roaders who plan to take a protest ride Saturday in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.

But Susan Hand insists her event won't be a counterprotest. She hopes her allies won't try to stop the four-wheelers as they tool up the river in defiance of an expected Bureau of Land Management announcement that it will begin enforcing rules against riding in the Paria streambed.

"We want to show the world that local people care about protecting our land from illegal and irresponsible use. We will not be confrontational, inflammatory, aggressive or hostile," Hand said in an e-mail she sent to others who favor protecting the Paria. "It's hard to yell at someone who is calmly sitting in a lawn chair, munching a muffin and sipping tea."

Hand hopes the picnic will proceed without any fuss from the riders. "I'd like to invite them to have coffee."

But others are ready to mount opposing protests. The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance issued a call to action against "renegade off-road-vehicle riders."

Read more here . . . Peaceful picnickers to take stand against off-roaders | Campaign for America's Wilderness
Excellent article, shows how the perception that off-roaders are such evil people. The lady in the article is a perfect example of what lengths these people try and vilify off-roaders. Like she thinks someone is going to really come there and start a confrontation with her. She acts like the Hells Angels is coming through the area to rape and pillage all in their way, off-roaders need to set an example as they are responsible and fair people, not some heathen monsters out to destroy everything.
Excellent article, shows how the perception that off-roaders are such evil people. The lady in the article is a perfect example of what lengths these people try and vilify off-roaders. Like she thinks someone is going to really come there and start a confrontation with her. She acts like the Hells Angels is coming through the area to rape and pillage all in their way, off-roaders need to set an example as they are responsible and fair people, not some heathen monsters out to destroy everything.

Well, truth be known, in my youth I was once, amongst many other things, a 1% 'er and rode for over 17 years under the now politically correct nomenclature of "Motor Cycle Enthusiast" . . . so I know what the reputation deal is all about.

We OHV folks are not made of the things that the groups I once circled in were and these radical anti-access pukes need to realize that!

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