Factory Polaris #1913
I say there is a huge difference. The fundamental difference between a full boat sponsorship package and a discounted price for spare parts throughout the racing season is what the recipient brings to the table. Bring the goods.....get the goods. Plain and simple. You can draw an analogy to a mortgage loan:
If you have no track record of financially performing well, currently and in the past, you get no money. If you can show that you have some experience with financial accrual and management, you'll receive a little bit of support, but only if you are able to pick up the rest. Prove that you are a cash magnate, you'll get most any and all that you ask for.
Providing a few hours after work and weekends, passion for the sport, helping or racing in the past, none of these validate one receiving a sponsorship package (except maybe from Lay-z-boy! Sorry, I can't help but to be facetious). Recent success, marketability, saturation in the market and desired demographics, relevant networking capacity, now were talking support. Add a little more, and maybe free cars are involved.
Sponsorship is like gambling, and a smart gambler always invests in the game with the highest payout percentage. Giving an "enthusiast" a free car is like playing slots or roulette. Give that same free car to Jagged X or Marc Burnett, now you're playing Black Jack baby!
What sucks in this equation is that the person or persons who need the help most, usually are not the ones who receive it. But in reality, they really haven't earned it. The question is, how bad do you want it? Bad enough to give the things that you enjoy up for it? Branden is a good model of a self-made racer. I don't know him, but I'm sure his eating and entertainment options are greatly reduced. Free time for friends, family, and hobbies....also gone. Hell, it appears that he even gave up "the vag"in order to make a serious effort at racing. It's my guess he still is not getting free cars and full factory support. Let's face it. The only person one can support in off road racing is the promoter. Period. Race because you love it. If you also choose to live and breathe it, as Branden apparently has, then rewards (sponsorship) are sure to follow. Don't envy the support that the "factory" guys receive, because they have an obligation far above the enthusiast in receiving that support. An obligation that non-sponsored teams do not have, and are most likely unwilling or able to offer. What is good about our sport is the willingness of the participants to share technology. Not all of them, but enough so that you can minimize a costly learning curve.
You are correct i did give up a lot of the stuff i loved so much, but racing is where my heart is and I'm quite good at it. I eat leftovers and don't eat out often, i stay away from bars and night clubs as well, my spare time.... well i don't have any of that anymore.
As far as factory support, as of 2015 i am a contrtacted full Factory Polaris RZR athlete with a parts budget and cars. I earned it through hard work, persistence, achievements, and my ability to be a positive influence for the supporting company. Had it not been for these supporting companies 2015 would have most likely been a spectating year rather than a racing year.