Our Voices Were Heard!



The government is willing to listen to experts. Support the RIDE Act and tell them you agree!

Thanks to your help, the RIDE Act bills are now in the U.S. House and Senate!

If passed, the RIDE Act would involve non-government, independent, private, expert groups to review before any regulations are set.

Your messages to your representatives worked before, and now we need to do it again. Urge Congress to support the RIDE Act. This is the next step in getting the bill passed. As we go through this process, we will continue to need your help showing your support of the bill. We will be contacting you again when there are other opportunities to let your voice be heard.

Since you've already contacted your representatives through us before, we've made this one easy – just click the button below and we'll submit a message to your members of Congress on your behalf.

As a unified off-road community, we can stand together and protect our right to ride for today and the future.


By clicking "SEND A MESSAGE ON MY BEHALF" you agree that Polaris may submit the message provided to your members of Congress in support of H.R. 999 and S. 1040, The RIDE Act. Please note that the message will include your first and last name, email address and the home address provided by you in previous action alert campaigns. No additional messages will be submitted on your behalf without your express agreement. If you do not want Polaris to submit this new message on your behalf, or if you do not want Polaris to transmit the foregoing personal information to your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators, you may visit www.stoptherovmandate.com, where you will be provided instructions about how to submit the message to your members of Congress on your own behalf.

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