Ocotillo Wells runs on google earth.


I found these on a ATV site. I saved the GPS files and then did and overlay on google earth. Looks like some fun runs.


Details for each run.

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The route leaves camp and heads north on Cahuilla Trail to Shell Reef Expressway and passes by Shell Reef. The route continues past Devil’s Slide and turns north on Palo Verde Wash then onto the Cut Across Trail and onto Fault Wash. The ride then leads up Short Wash to Fonts Wash and onto Fonts Point. Then it’s about a 100yard walk to the best view in the entire desert. This view is well worth the ride. After the view the ride takes you down to HY-S22 near Borrego Springs and ¾ mile of pavement to Inspiration Wash onto Inspiration Point then past the Borrego Dump. From here the route takes you past the San Gregorio Monument and into the Borrego Sink. Next the ride leads you onto San Felipe Wash and up Buttes Wash over Borrego Mountain. Then it’s on to Goat Trail past the ranger station and down to the Desert Rose for Lunch. This is the best biker lunch spot in all of Ocotillo Wells. After lunch the ride continues around the Airport, and onto Morton Road and back onto San Felipe Wash. Finally the route takes a side trail back to camp. The total trip length is 53 miles and should take about 3 hours or more. Trip difficulty is mild and dualsport is required. GPS tracks Fonts1 and Fonts2

Badlands Bogie: This adventure route winds through the San Felipe Hills canyons, then a bit of a maze through the Mud Hills passing by Pumpkin Patch. The route is a challenging 51 miles. Not for beginning riders.
The route leaves camp and heads east across open desert crossing Tarantula Wash through the hills and across Pole Line road. The route then cut up to the Artesian Well, then heads east in a narrow tight wash and climbs out onto a mesa near highway 86. The ride then cuts back through the mud hills and passes the Gas Domes. From here the ride follows Gas Dome Road then merges onto a single track trail and cuts northwest across the open desert. From here it gets really fun as the route snakes through the mud hills and winds to the famous Pumpkin Patch. The route then continues winding through the mud hills and then up a narrow single track canyon and dead ends. This is a fun canyon and well worth the hassle of turning your bike around at the end. The track then backtracks out of the canyon and again continues winding in the mud hills. The route then breaks out of the hills and heads east for a couple of miles then cuts back and merges into Tarantula Wash and again back into the Mud Hills. The route then passes the “Lost City†and breaks out near Shell Reef. From Shell Reef the ride finally takes you back across the desert to camp. This is a challenging 51 mile ride not for beginners. GPS route Badlands1 and Badlands2.

Truckhaven Torture:53 mile challenging to difficult route of adventure through the Truckhaven hills. This route will include many sections of the 2002 Truckhaven Challenge and you will discover famous hidden landmarks like the Hydrant and the Phone Booth. Mexican lunch at the Alamo!
The route leaves camp and cuts across country through the Mud Hills and to Shell Reef. The ride continues through the mud hills to Pumpkin Patch then heads north and joins the North Fork of Arroyo Salada Wash. The wash runs parallel to HY S-22 and crosses the Highway near the Microwave Tower. The ride continues into the Truckhaven area on the Calcite Mine Road then drops down onto Palm Wash. From Palm Wash the ride merges on the 2002 Truckhaven Challenge Course. This Jeep Course winds through the Truckhaven hills into Grave Wash the route takes you up to the phone booth. This is the best view in the Truckhaven area. You must sign the book at the Phone Booth. From here the ride takes you off the mountain and down into Coral Wash through Squeeze Arch and onto Salton City. Lunch is at the Alamo. This is the best Mexican food in the whole place. After lunch the ride takes you to Arroyo Salada Wash onto the Cut Across Trail then to Tule Wash and onto a single track trail across the desert floor. From here the ride cuts over to camp. This is a Challenging 53 mile ride not for beginners. GPS route TruckTorch1 and TruckTorch2

Milkshake Mumbo:This is both a Kid Challenging route and a great adult ride. The ride will be 39 miles long, visit the famous Phone Booth and include lunch at Superburger in SaltonCity. They have great Milkshakes!
The ride leaves camp and crosses open desert to Bank Wash. It turns on Pumpkin Patch Trail and winds to Pumpkin Patch. The route then heads north on “Whoop de Do Alley†and crosses HY-S22 to the Truckhaven Trail. Once in the Truckhaven area the ride takes several Jeep trails across the valley. After crossing Palm Wash the route climbs through a saddle and goes down to Coral Wash. The ride then follows Coral Wash up onto a mesa and then across the mesa to the base of the highest mountain. Kids will park their bikes here and take a 5 minute walk to the Phone Booth. This is a great view and kids must sign the book at the Phone Booth. After leaving the booth the ride cuts back into Coral Wash and through a narrow canyon driving under Squeeze Arch. The ride then cuts under HY-86 and over to Superburger for Milkshakes and lunch. These are the best Milkshakes in all of the desert!. After lunch the ride cuts into Arroyo Salada Wash then onto the Cut Across Trail. Finally the route merges onto Cahuilla Trail and back to camp.

Ice Cream Dream Ride: This is about an hour ride on some of the kids favorite trails including SpooksCanyon and stopping at the Blu Inn for Ice Cream. Parents should accompany their kids on the ride. This is a mild kid route.

SpooksCanyon Devils Night Ride:18.2 mile GPS night ride through SpooksCanyon and onto Devils Slide then across country to camp.
The ride will require GPS, headlight and taillight. Your GPS should have power to it in order to run the backlight during the ride. The ride leaves camp and follows a GPS track across open desert and across HY-78. The ride then cuts up a canyon and crosses some hills and leads to the mouth of Spooks Canyon. The ride then takes a roller coaster ride through the canyon and leads back to HY-78 near County Line Road. From here the ride takes an assortment of trails across the desert leading to the top of Devils Slide. This gives great views of the desert at night. Finally, through the magic of GPS, the ride cuts across open desert and ends up in camp. This is a great fun night adventure. Be sure you have a riding buddy.[/FONT]
The night ride sounds like fun. Might save that one for a summer run. Good find !

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