NMOHVA Files LAWSUIT on Santa Fe National Forest
<HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cccccc; COLOR: #cccccc" SIZE=1 sizcache="1" sizset="22"><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->New Mexico Off Highway Vehicle Alliance Files Lawsuit on Santa Fe National Forest
The New Mexico Off Highway Vehicle Alliance filed a lawsuit against the Santa Fe National Forest in Federal District Court on December 11th. Our lawsuit contests the Forest's Travel Management decision signed by Forest Supervisor Maria . Garcia on June 12th and upheld by the Region 3 Appeal Deciding Officer on October 2nd.
"NMOHVA filed this lawsuit on the behalf of our members but it really is for everyone who uses a vehicle in the forest," said NMOHVA President Jim Tyldesly. "Most of the public has no idea that this decision closed 70% of the existing roads and trails, reduced vehicle camping nearly 95%, and virtually eliminated hunters being able to use a vehicle to retrieve game."
NMOHVA has posted a list of Frequently Asked Questions on our website at NMOHVA on both the lawsuit and the Travel Management Decision. We will keep the site updated with all of the latest news and information concerning this action.
Go to NMOHVA's webpage and please Donate to the Access Defense Fund!! This fight belongs to you and ALL of us.
Lawsuits are very expensive and the final resort. We have been trying to work with the Santa Fe National Forest since 2005/6 and they have refused to listen or obey federal laws. The place to make a stand is here. The time to fight is now!! We call on all of our members and friends to stand with us and help us fight this deceision.
What happens in this may dictate what happens elsewhere tomorrow...
<HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cccccc; COLOR: #cccccc" SIZE=1 sizcache="1" sizset="22"><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->New Mexico Off Highway Vehicle Alliance Files Lawsuit on Santa Fe National Forest
The New Mexico Off Highway Vehicle Alliance filed a lawsuit against the Santa Fe National Forest in Federal District Court on December 11th. Our lawsuit contests the Forest's Travel Management decision signed by Forest Supervisor Maria . Garcia on June 12th and upheld by the Region 3 Appeal Deciding Officer on October 2nd.
"NMOHVA filed this lawsuit on the behalf of our members but it really is for everyone who uses a vehicle in the forest," said NMOHVA President Jim Tyldesly. "Most of the public has no idea that this decision closed 70% of the existing roads and trails, reduced vehicle camping nearly 95%, and virtually eliminated hunters being able to use a vehicle to retrieve game."
NMOHVA has posted a list of Frequently Asked Questions on our website at NMOHVA on both the lawsuit and the Travel Management Decision. We will keep the site updated with all of the latest news and information concerning this action.
Go to NMOHVA's webpage and please Donate to the Access Defense Fund!! This fight belongs to you and ALL of us.
Lawsuits are very expensive and the final resort. We have been trying to work with the Santa Fe National Forest since 2005/6 and they have refused to listen or obey federal laws. The place to make a stand is here. The time to fight is now!! We call on all of our members and friends to stand with us and help us fight this deceision.
What happens in this may dictate what happens elsewhere tomorrow...