New Yamaha?

I have a feeling you will be selling the T4.

Im thinking of donating it to cars for kids.....OR getting Geico insurance on it in case it accidentally burns down in flames at jawbone in August........#Ineedpaddleshifting156HPYamahaViperSportSXS
SOOOO excited for this. So sick of everything being razor! It's about time someone steps up and I couldn't be happier. Wish Honda would have got in the game but either way it is great to see someone else step up. I hope it is worth the hype!
Im not exactly sure the lead time the Manufacturers have in Getting the Executive Order from Carb to release a new line of vehicles and motors that are Compliant. But I have Searched and read all of the latest apps approved through Executive Order and there is nothing big or new from either Polaris Turbo, Yamaha or Honda. So like I said I don't know if its a quick and easy deal but its all pretty much out in the open and no hiding it. So who knows I guess I will check every day and I will spot anything that comes up.
believe it or not i just recently was speaking with one of the product designer/engineers for polaris about projects and how long they take to go from idea to paper to physical part and to dealer floors. we just happened to talk about the carb stuff cause he said its always a long wait part of the process.

he said 9 months to a year to get a new machine thru carb specs.

only takes 4-5 months to get one thru carb when they are using a pre-existing already passed engine. such as using a pre-existing sled or ATV engine. you can get it thru carb faster because they are only "re-testing"
If the new yamaha is not up to par and meet most expectations then i will be buying a new can am turbo and throwing long travel on it.

I am not a racer just a duner and desert rider.

Usually i think the Carb Exec orders only post a couple weeks to a couple days before the anoucement of the vehicles.

The new turbo mav 131 hp is already on there, and the non turbo polaris XP1K vehicles are already on there, just got added a couple days ago.

I have the link saved on my work computer, I can post the link i use later tomorrow or something

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