I totally agree... we should...shouldn't there be a committee that has racers on it that would represent the racers opinion. The unilateral decisions coming out just dont seem to be making sense for the betterment of our class.
Back in the Day Score used to have Class Rep's. Someone from each class , who was a racer acted as the Rep for the class to the Series. What this did is it let the class as a whole have a collected voice to the Series promoter, Tech Director or whoever the issues were directed too. This did not keep racers from having direct contact with the Series, but when it came to Rule Changes, or possible issues with the class it allowed for one voice to sit down directly with the person in charge and work with them to rectify the issue.
Also I think so many in the UTV class dont realize the power if organized this class could have. Right now the UTV class is following what the promoters are doing. Instead as a Collective Org, you guys should be requesting what you want. Not many classes have this power as they dont hold the consistent entry numbers the UTV class has.
As a group you guys could go to any promoter and ask for support. If you dont like what BITD is offering as far as races, points system, Entry Fee's ect.. go shop around. Go to a series like SNORE, and sit down with Brian and see what he would offer the UTV class if you as a group chose to race the SNORE series.
I can assure you you will race with the 4 wheel classes as they dont race bikes. You will in most cases get most if not all the mileage in a race. Plus SNORE's entry fee's are much cheaper. You could also establish the rules, which I would assume would mirror SCORE and possibly BITD as you want to keep the class rules uniform over all the series, to keep the investment in the UTV class is high as possible.
Snore races on much of the same terrain as BITD. And as a group you could ask that SNORE reduces the entry's more, offer a better end of season payout or part of the deal is they get someone like Polaris or another Manufacture to be a series sponsor in order for the UTV Org. to make the move to their series. BTW this is not a push to SNORE, you could go to any Promoter and see what they have to offer. I just used SNORE as an example as they are established, race in the same location as BITD and have been trying to get the UTV class over there.
You guys are in the drivers seats, but if you dont get organized you will not be able to use the power and wave of momentum the UTV class is currently riding on.
Another great option would be to contact & sit down with Mad Media. You could work with them and have them act as the UTV Racers Agent. They are currently working with BITD with the Mint, they are part of this new UTV Champioship race. This is two races that the UTV's are already part of.
Who knows you might establish your own series, which races within several series. For example your first race is the Mad Media UTV Champioships, then you go to the Mad Media BITD Mint 400, then to a Score race, then to a Snore race. You find the best 5 races that fit the UTV's the best and that becomes your series. The Mad Media UTV Championship Series.