Polaris NEW 2013 Polaris RZR XP900 JAGGED-X EDITION

I sure hope not! Wow what a disappointment if it is:eek::( I'm a PoPo man and love my RZR but a bolted together cage some stickers and 2 seats in a XP4 is not steppin up to the plate for a home run. Seems like Polaris is happy with a bunt and a single instead of smacking it out of the park.

Dont forget the storage boxes, beadlocks, and the"HO" engine..LOL .We will see the 28th. But I do find it interesting that some racers that have Polaris connections are building their 2013 race cars on the XP platform. MMMMMMMM. Going Yellow George???
I think we all sound a bit spoiled here. I mean, 4 years ago guys were stoked on 27hp rhinos, now a manufacturer introduces a unit with aftermarket seats, power steering, doors, rear storage, 2.5" shocks,14" of wheel travel, beadlock wheels, big horn tires, sweet paint and graphics, a slip on exhaust, factory race inspired clutching and 94hp and we are whining that its a letdown? lol dude, do you guys really expect to see continuous one upping of HP and Suspension over and over and over? I am really subjective as I see things differently then the avg enthusiast due to my working relationship with these manufacturers but to me this is a great step forward. What we have seen is a great move by polaris who chooses to adapt and follow the trends of the racers and aftermarket community trying to integrate these trends into production machines. Do you guys see how many 4 seat to 2 seat conversions guys like SDR are doing? How many desert race cars are on this platform? On top of that these accessories add up to something as well. Sure, it doesn't have the glorious paddle shifters everyone was dreaming of but lets be honest here, how can anyone say that this machine is boring or lack luster? I bet if it said it had 1000cc or 120hp attitudes would be different.

I just think it's funny how spoiled we all are. If a new machine doesn't smash the previously released model on paper then we are letdown. lol I personally can't wait to drive our new UTVUG Jagged X edition and see how it stacks up.
I think we all sound a bit spoiled here. I mean, 4 years ago guys were stoked on 27hp rhinos, now a manufacturer introduces a unit with aftermarket seats, power steering, doors, rear storage, 2.5" shocks,14" of wheel travel, beadlock wheels, big horn tires, sweet paint and graphics, a slip on exhaust, factory race inspired clutching and 94hp and we are whining that its a letdown? lol dude, do you guys really expect to see continuous one upping of HP and Suspension over and over and over? I am really subjective as I see things differently then the avg enthusiast due to my working relationship with these manufacturers but to me this is a great step forward. What we have seen is a great move by polaris who chooses to adapt and follow the trends of the racers and aftermarket community trying to integrate these trends into production machines. Do you guys see how many 4 seat to 2 seat conversions guys like SDR are doing? How many desert race cars are on this platform? On top of that these accessories add up to something as well. Sure, it doesn't have the glorious paddle shifters everyone was dreaming of but lets be honest here, how can anyone say that this machine is boring or lack luster? I bet if it said it had 1000cc or 120hp attitudes would be different.

I just think it's funny how spoiled we all are. If a new machine doesn't smash the previously released model on paper then we are letdown. lol I personally can't wait to drive our new UTVUG Jagged X edition and see how it stacks up.

Spot on!
What a Great-Step.

It is amazing how far these rzr's have came in such a short time.

All SxSs for that matter.

This new RZR is an Awesome Desert Racer from what I have seen.

As far as the price goes, money is not worth what it use to be.

I am just waiting for a SxS maker to come out with one over 1000cc

So we in Caliphony do not have to wear a Helmet if we choose not to.

I would buy it if it was over 1000cc

Would not care if it had just 35 hp like my old dependable RZR
i think its the price point. its a $22k two seater. the maverick X RS is $5k less has more HP and better shocks., and weighs 300 lbs less. i think if it was the same price as a XP4 LE because that is what it really is then it would be more realistic. i love the progression of the utv's are going and i like the idea of the jagged x edition just thought it could have been done better for that much coin.
Polaris doesn't need to do anything until they get some competition.
Why re invent the wheel when you are the wheel. :D
I see the Maverick stealing away some of polaris sales. Not saying the Maverick is superior to the new Rzr but the price difference is huge. I cant say too much until I actually see them in person and how that new clutching and slight bump in HP does in real life diriving. Its a step forward for polaris but not as big as people including myself was looking for. They will sell but beware Polaris the Maverick is goin to steal some show especially since the wildcat was a disappointment. There's only two real performance machines out there and who will consumers choose? I was hoping for the wildcat to succeed but there are too many issues with it...Hopefully the wildcat 4 fixed most of them.
I think we all sound a bit spoiled here. I mean, 4 years ago guys were stoked on 27hp rhinos, now a manufacturer introduces a unit with aftermarket seats, power steering, doors, rear storage, 2.5" shocks,14" of wheel travel, beadlock wheels, big horn tires, sweet paint and graphics, a slip on exhaust, factory race inspired clutching and 94hp and we are whining that its a letdown? lol dude, do you guys really expect to see continuous one upping of HP and Suspension over and over and over? I am really subjective as I see things differently then the avg enthusiast due to my working relationship with these manufacturers but to me this is a great step forward. What we have seen is a great move by polaris who chooses to adapt and follow the trends of the racers and aftermarket community trying to integrate these trends into production machines. Do you guys see how many 4 seat to 2 seat conversions guys like SDR are doing? How many desert race cars are on this platform? On top of that these accessories add up to something as well. Sure, it doesn't have the glorious paddle shifters everyone was dreaming of but lets be honest here, how can anyone say that this machine is boring or lack luster? I bet if it said it had 1000cc or 120hp attitudes would be different.

I just think it's funny how spoiled we all are. If a new machine doesn't smash the previously released model on paper then we are letdown. lol I personally can't wait to drive our new UTVUG Jagged X edition and see how it stacks up.

Hands down you are correct Joey! It's awesome we have the ability to be spoiled little brats. I just love to cry about crap that I want that won't be under the X-Mass tree in a couple days:D
I do think the Maverick will absolutely steal some market share. It too was a solid new introduction into the market. But I think we all forget that us sport guys are just one segment. So while Polaris may lose some in the sport market they will gain more in the utility with their new Ranger XP and more in the introductory budget market with the 570. They still are the only 50" out there and the XP900 is still the #1 UTV of choice by many. See where I am going here? Polaris has an approach all to their own due to their vast selection of machines, something for everyone.

People want to discredit the Wildcat for some reason or another but every time I go to an event or race I see more and more Wildcats.

What people need to remember is this machine Polaris introduced isn't a "response" to the Maverick. It's really just another new and innovative machine to add to their ever growing line up of sport/rec UTVs. Like Mitch said. Polaris is the wheel right now, everyone is trying to run them down. Both Can Am and Arctic Cat are making a go but as long as polaris remains on the gas they will be hard to beat when it comes to sales.

Now me personally, here's what I would love to see next from Polaris. I would love to see the XP900 and XP4 re-introduced with this new HO motor and a complete redesign of the interior. To me that's the only thing Polaris truly lacks is in the style and ergonomics of the interior. Then again the simplicity of their current layout does save weight but I am ready for a full center console XP!

Regardless of opinion, this is the most exciting time ever in the short history of UTVs. I hope the pace keeps up with our wants and desires, or in the case of George, his Christmas wish list. lol
I did a quick over lay of the current RZR XP4 vs Jagged X XP seat location. It looks like a few extra inches of seat adjustment.

Yikes for 22G there pushing it now. Now that the Can Am Maverick is out and my Friends who were sitting and waiting to see what polaris was offering and now this thing, well guess what there buying? Mavericks and at a huge savings. So what might start trending next is a Possible bout of Price competition in the future for market retention. Because the wholesale dealer pricing has doubled in the last 5 years. I remember cost on the SXSs was around 6500 or so depending on the Product. So the Factories will have some room to Compete on pricing if they want to keep sales up.:cool:
This release is just a marketing tool and nothing more to me and most people want there own custom stuff. But some people will buy this because they can finance it and really not spend any Big money after the purchase cause they dont have the cash to. Competition is Great and I think that prices will adjust.:rolleyes:
Just my opinion but I thnik this is the coolest UTV ever!LOL! I may be bias, but I can say that this unit does fill some voids for the right customers and it is equipped with lots of add ons. The price has crossed the 20K threshold but if you add up the money that most people spend in aftermarket this price is a good deal.

It is not unusual for a customer to spend well over 5000 on options at the dealer. Polaris has just capitalized on this by packaging a number of popular add ons into one unit.

I can't wait to drive one at Camp RZR. Think they will let me?

After spending $30.000.000 on a 35 Hp Yamaha Rhino, you better believe I want a Polaris XP. They have been out front since the RZR 800 and now we got this to choose from!
I think we all sound a bit spoiled here. I mean, 4 years ago guys were stoked on 27hp rhinos, now a manufacturer introduces a unit with aftermarket seats, power steering, doors, rear storage, 2.5" shocks,14" of wheel travel, beadlock wheels, big horn tires, sweet paint and graphics, a slip on exhaust, factory race inspired clutching and 94hp and we are whining that its a letdown? lol dude, do you guys really expect to see continuous one upping of HP and Suspension over and over and over? I am really subjective as I see things differently then the avg enthusiast due to my working relationship with these manufacturers but to me this is a great step forward. What we have seen is a great move by polaris who chooses to adapt and follow the trends of the racers and aftermarket community trying to integrate these trends into production machines. Do you guys see how many 4 seat to 2 seat conversions guys like SDR are doing? How many desert race cars are on this platform? On top of that these accessories add up to something as well. Sure, it doesn't have the glorious paddle shifters everyone was dreaming of but lets be honest here, how can anyone say that this machine is boring or lack luster? I bet if it said it had 1000cc or 120hp attitudes would be different.

I just think it's funny how spoiled we all are. If a new machine doesn't smash the previously released model on paper then we are letdown. lol I personally can't wait to drive our new UTVUG Jagged X edition and see how it stacks up.

Joey, we are spoiled, because Popo, CanAm and Kawasaki keeping improving their machines every year, and its like an adrenaline rush needing a fix. We expect more every year as the competition pushes for faster and better machines. Its a great time for SXS's.

But, when the price starts going over 20k, then I expect 200HP, 30" of travel and keyless entry... ;)
Just my opinion but I thnik this is the coolest UTV ever!LOL! I may be bias, but I can say that this unit does fill some voids for the right customers and it is equipped with lots of add ons. The price has crossed the 20K threshold but if you add up the money that most people spend in aftermarket this price is a good deal.

It is not unusual for a customer to spend well over 5000 on options at the dealer. Polaris has just capitalized on this by packaging a number of popular add ons into one unit.

I can't wait to drive one at Camp RZR. Think they will let me?


It looks Great, it is a good deal for the money, I have a friend putting a deposit on a new one!!! Good Job Jagged X
...and the funny thing is that by the middle of February Polaris will have sold more of the JX RZR XP LE's than Can Am will have sold Mavricks, despite the Mavrick being 'released' three month earlier. The whole concept of introducing product then not producing it for months, just pisses off customers and dealers. My 2 pesos.

Great job Polaris for coming out with the 'Brandon Schueler replica' and for actually shipping it within a month of its introduction. I can't wait to drive one. Woot...woot!

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