mwra 2010 season


IlliNOISE - UTVUnderground Approved
got the schedule that we will be running with MAORA this year and talk to them about rules for personal safety ill post latter today if possible there are 3 races for the maora that i wouldt miss if you are planning on just coming out for 1 or a couple of races that would be the April 24-25 race in Marengo, IN there is suppose to be a really good utv sponsorship for that race second one would be the June 5th at the badlands in Attica IN tons of stuff going on for this event there will be rock crawlers bikes quads and maora trucks buggies and sxs going all day and night with video from a helicopter and on the ground so should be an awesome day even to watch
MAORA schedule
april 24-25 marengo, IN
may 15-16 LTM casey IL
june 5th badlands attica, IN
night race maybe suppose to be a rock crawler event and hair schrambles for bicks quads and side by side trucks and buggies racing also with video fome a helacopter and on the ground should be a great day of racing and fun for everyone to enjoy
july 17-18 crawford county fair marengo, IN
august 21-22 jasonvill, IN
september 18-19 top soil hamilton OH
october 9-10 LTM casey IL
also we will be doing 5 races with the MWXC

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