''MILLER'' ( TRAIL 2N17X ) 5-5-12

Hi all ,Selling this stuff for a friend and thought I would give the peeps going on this trip first shot and could do the trade at the ride or it will go in the for sale area next week , local pick up only (Elmonte SoCal. ) and ya I know I hijacked my own thread . If some thing sells I will post it back on this post with the buyers name by the sale . :D

RZR-RPM DOORS complete Asking $400.00 Both door same condition.


Used RZRfront bumper $100,00 ( sorry, no hardware )

RZR used rear bumper $100.00( sorry no hardware )

RZR used rear bumper $35.00 ( sorry no hardware )

Polaris used cargo box $110.00 ( some hardware )
Polaris light bar $30.00
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Your on the list , Will pass the hat around and try and find your owner . :D

RIDE LIST-POTLUCK LIST-Every one is welcome to stay for the potluck, we allway have plenty of food .
1. John Berry
2. Rich (Camping)...............................Mac & cheese-something for the Grill
3. George & Kathy (Camping)............... Something Yummy
4. Devin ( camping maybe ) George
5. redrhino99 (maybe)
6. Dan (It's close I can afford it... LOL!!!)
7. Chris & Mariah..................................Pasta salad
8. cornholio
9. Dezerteryx
10.Rhino Dan
12.Gilbert & Eric (camping )
13.Jim&Melissa (Maybe)
14.Steve & Janet (socaldmax) (Maybe)
15. Timmys hat
16. Angie (Camping ?) (maybe)
17. K.Boozer (toys for big boys) & 2-4 other rides .
18. Scott425
19. Tim (Bagman)
Ok were getting pretty close now remembered to read the first post because there might be new info .
Are there still some people planning on meeting at McDonald's at Cajon Jct.? We'll be driving down in the morning and just want to make sure we fall in with someone for the ride to the trail head. Thanks!
i would be up to meeting at mcdonalds since this will be my first time up there and i need to get and advanture pass still. does the chevron still sell them?
i would be up to meeting at mcdonalds since this will be my first time up there and i need to get and advanture pass still. does the chevron still sell them?

If the chevron doesn't have them they have them at the silver would store on the way to the lake . If those places fail I have a second pass that some could use , no problem .
i would be up to meeting at mcdonalds since this will be my first time up there and i need to get and advanture pass still. does the chevron still sell them?

Dave, I'll meet you at the McDonalds Saturday morning and I'm pretty sure I've got a secondary pass you can use for the day.
If you have a Big 5 Sporting Goods near you they also sell the Adventure Passes:D that way you won't need to stress about it Saturday morning:D
Your on the list , Will pass the hat around and try and find your owner . :D

RIDE LIST-POTLUCK LIST-Every one is welcome to stay for the potluck, we allway have plenty of food .
1. John Berry
2. Rich (Camping)...............................Mac & cheese-something for the Grill
3. George & Kathy (Camping)............... Something Yummy
4. Devin ( camping maybe ) George
5. redrhino99 (maybe)
6. Dan (It's close I can afford it... LOL!!!)
7. Chris & Mariah..................................Pasta salad
8. cornholio
9. Dezerteryx
10.Rhino Dan
12.Gilbert & Eric (camping )
13.Jim&Melissa (Maybe)
14.Steve & Janet (socaldmax) (Maybe)
15. Timmys hat
16. Angie (Camping ?) (maybe)
17. K.Boozer (toys for big boys) & 2-4 other rides .
18. Scott425
19. Tim (Bagman)
20. Toots and son (camping)

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