All UTV's Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year From Racer Tech

Tony@Racer Tech

New Member
Hey Everyone,

First off, all of us at Racer Tech would like to say thank you for a great year. Our business has grown substantially even during a darker time in the world economy and we have all you to thank! We realize there are a lot of changes going on in this market right now. There are new faces showing up every day, whether they be customers or other vendors. Just as we've always strived for perfection, we've always fought deadlines and insufferable growing pains. We are well aware some of our growing pains have affected some of you in getting your orders in the time-frames you would have liked and we thank you for your patience and understanding. Quality takes time and we won't sacrifice the first for the last. A lot of times we're not so easy to get a hold of. It's not like we don't care but more that we're running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to fill every order and build custom parts to fit your wildest dreams in the shortest time possible. As always, email or PM is the best form of communication with us. By working with everyone on as individual of a level as possible sometimes delays our responses, but we care about everyone the same, a lot. We're not a huge corporate conglomerate and we don't want to be. We eat, sleep, work and race. It's what we do and we do it to be the guys who get you taken care of when you need it.

Throughout the years Racer Tech has set the bar for many products and ideas within the industry. 2011 will be no exception. We are currently getting ready to release several new products for the RZR's which will be industry first as well as improvements to what currently exists. With the advent of Polaris' statement to change the world once again, you can count on Racer Tech to be on top of the game with new developments for whatever is needed. We are very excited to see what 2011 will bring for new models and new products. While some of us here have taken a liking to some of the industries most recent releases, there will always be a place in our hearts for that little ole' 50" RZR and the purpose they were intended for

So we thought we would give you guys a little heads up for the week between Christmas and New Years. We are going to be at the shop but not in the offices like usual. We will be packing up here and getting ready to move into our new manufacturing facility! I will be in and out of the office, so if you do have a question or anything important please leave a message and one of us will get back to you ASAP. If you’re looking to place an order you can do it online at

Again, Thanks for all the business. We look forward to a great new year and hope to see you out riding!

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