Well we're less than a month away and I'm super excited to get up there to ride, camp and show you guys what an awesome place Mammoth is

I figured since there is so much to do and see, I will set up just one scheduled group ride for Saturday the 2nd of July at 9am. We will leave camp and head to Hot Creek Canyon and chill there for a bit and then head to the Laurel Lakes trailhead. From there we will climb about 6 miles to the top of Laurel Mtn. where we will be greeted by the two Laurel Lakes. Here we will spend a couple hours and give folks a chance to kayak, fish, swim, hike and eat lunch. The trip will be just under 50 miles round trip and about 70% of the trip will be higher speed smooth stuff so it won't really take all that long

Then once we return maybe we can put together a potluck BBQ?
Now don't get nervous, we can and will ride everyday if you would like. There are numerous awesome trails in the area with lots of awesome sites to see

I was thinking that for other than the scheduled ride on Sat, we could do the a la carte thing and just go whenever. Cause I'm sure with all of the activities going on in town for the Holiday weekend, some peeps may want to head into town, some may want to fish, hike or just lay around and be lazy

This way nobody has to be on a time table and won't have to rush back cause they might miss something.
Another cool thing we normally do is head to the top of either Bald or Lookout Mtn on the 4th and watch the fireworks the the Town of Mammoth Lakes shoots off over Lake Crawley. It's a great time without dealing with the thousands of peeps that crowd around the lake and jam up the 395 for hours

Please, if ya have any suggestions or questions just throw them out there. We're game for anything