Great post Joey, you obviously get it, having fun racing with your friends and family is what it is all about, not to mention all of the new friendships and relationships that you make along the way. All of the series, large and small are fun, each with their own flavor. People need to decide why it is that they race, if it is to have fun, then find a series that fits your particular situation and idea of fun and get out there and go racing and have fun. The smaller series are perfect for some, and the bigger series better for others. Lets face it the large car counts at a BITD race are cool, but there are maybe only 10 cars out of 60 that have a chance of winning, the others are just adding to the payback. The teams that for whatever reason will always end up in that bottom 30 cars at a BITD race would be better off racing a series like MORE. MORE with its cheaper entry fees, family friendly atmosphere, open prerunning, open chasing and much more challenging courses, is and should be an option that more teams should consider and would if they only knew what they were missing.