Yeah, I keep hearing VHF and I believe they broadcasted the beehive communication on Weatherman channel, which is VHF. The confusion came in when I was told by numerous people to run a RaceCeiver for race communication and that unit is only offered in UHF.... Hence my confusion.. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Could anyone verify if Race Control broadcasts on UHF, VHF, or both?? I keep hearing mixed info... THANKS

Currently LOORS (So Cal Regional) Race Control only uses VHF to talk to the drivers and the spotters.

I think the reason you are hearing "both" is because at the LOORRS (Nationals) they have both now. Starting in 2013 the LOORRS mandated the drivers in ALL pro classes use a racereciever. This is a UHV receiver that plugs into a small jack on the helmet then you plug your ear buds into it. The idea is that Race Control can make one broadcast and ALL drivers hear it at the same time and it over rides the spotter. Race Control uses VHF to talk to the spotters.

Hope that helps.

If anyone has more technical questions give us a call 619-561-5000, we are happy to answer your questions and we always give free advice.
Curious what kind of chassis setup numbers are people running for this type of racing.
Ride height?
any info would be appreciated.
Heres our setup

Curious what kind of chassis setup numbers are people running for this type of racing.
Ride height? Stock
Droop? Stock
Sag? Stock
Caster? Stock
Camber? Stock
Travel? Stock
any info would be appreciated.

Any other race secrets we have can be viewed by going to your local dealership and looking at an Orange Madness XP but shhhh, don't tell anyone of our super secret set up ok...its not like I would like to share our hard work spent testing with our competition on the internets or anything ok...
Sorry keep your secrets in the bat cave then. Im working on designing a new front end and wanted to aim towards this type of racing thought I could gather some input from racers but hey what would you know anyway right?

Well apparently I know nothing...

My sarcasm was intentional, do you think RJ Anderson, Brian Deegan, Or Casey Currie are going to publicly tell me what their caster/camber etc., are so I can apply it to my sons ProLite on the net? You're kidding right?

BTW, the class is called Stock RZR XP UTV. I believe in the rulebook and the class name, our car is stock so I shared my super secret set up with you....stock. :rolleyes:

See you at Glen Helen.
My sarcasm was intentional, do you think RJ Anderson, Brian Deegan, Or Casey Currie are going to publicly tell me their caster/camber etc., are so I can apply it to my sons ProLite on the net? You're kidding right?

BTW, the class is called Stock RZR XP UTV. I believe in the rulebook and the class name, our car is stock so I shared my super secret set up with you....stock.

See you at Glen Helen.

Thanks for saying what I was thinkin'!
Sorry keep your secrets in the bat cave then. Im working on designing a new front end and wanted to aim towards this type of racing thought I could gather some input from racers but hey what would you know anyway right?

Hey Mike,

This thread is primarily for the Lucas Regional stock xp 900 class so any new front end designs you are working on that change the caster/camber etc would not be legal to run in this class. There are a ton of other threads on the underground that may benefit by your input - designs.
Do you have to run stock suspenion components in this class? I thought it was just a stock motor class.
Hey Kenny , I may be and probably am wrong But this class im sure was a stock internal motor and clutch only, Camber castor toe in toe out long travel mid travel stock travel no travel are all run what you brung but your motor better be stock. You must retain FACTORY shock locations along with suspension mounting points. And Doug, Your setup is FAST!!!!!
Hey Kenny , I may be and probably am wrong But this class im sure was a stock internal motor and clutch only, Camber castor toe in toe out long travel mid travel stock travel no travel are all run what you brung but your motor better be stock. You must retain FACTORY shock locations along with suspension mounting points. And Doug, Your KID is FAST!!!!!

Fixed it for ya!
long travel mid travel stock travel no travel are all run what you brung[/QUOTE]

so you can run any aftermarket suspension as long as it bolts up to the stock location??
How i see it. Maybe dirty can let lee know to come clarify but there are guys out there WITH long travel ...or I should say plus ? wider suspension kits
It doesnt exclude LT.

UTVR-10 Suspension
A. All A-arm mounting points must remain in the stock location and position as delivered from the manufacturer, however they may be reinforced for strength.

Heres a link to the rule book, UTV Specific starts on page 47.
2013 Rule Book
Thanks doug! When I looked on the Lucas regional site it did not show the xp class rules yet so the link was very helpful

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