looking for help


New Member
Hello I am new to this forum and I have a couple questions. I am wanting to build a sxs from scratch (I do have fabrication skills). I purchased a dwarf/legands car for cheap to use for parts it has a 2002 R1 engine with fuel cell,rack and pinion,aluminum radiator,fuel cell,gauges etc... My thought is to purchase a utv that has been blown up or in rough shape so I could rob the transmission along with front and rear differential. I am looking for help,pics,ideas etc... thanks in advance
I dont know if anyone on this board has done what you are trying to do. A few of us has taken Rhino's and put an R1 motor in them but didnt use the stock diffs and such.
Welcome to the site Glenn. My suggestion is that if you are willing to take on a project as ambitious as this one then you probably should have it all sorted out yourself because you are going to be a lot of one-off modifications. I have seen lots of builds using an R1 engine but most ran it only in 2wd and used a non-utv specific transmission (chain drive). Your best bet may be a call in to Weller Racing and see what they make and have that could help you get going. They are the leaders in R1 powered UTV technology.

Best of luck.
Do you plan on copying a suspension design? If not then you need to REALLY understand what you are doing. I feel like I know a lot about suspension but I hung out with some engineers that consult to Ford, Roush and some others and quickly found that I know only a part of it all. It would be pretty easy though to take a stock setup, graph out the geometry and migration and try to improve on it. Castor, Camber, anti-squat, anti-dive, ackerman, scrub, etc...

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