Jesus Christ...

Notice the Polaris Logo in the beginning of the video>

They paid for it...

Its a POLARIS highlight video...

Would you expect Burger King to pay FOOD NETWORK to do a McDonalds review?

Why do I have to explain this over and over?

If you want to see a can-am highlight video then hit me up, I can let you know how much it costs to bring a 10-15 man crew all with RED cameras, helicopter, etc etc etc Otherwise be stoked that we get photos and write stories for ALL OF THEM!

Ever see a Can-AM Press Release from the races? Yeah, those are usually UTVUnderground.com PHOTOS they BUY!

I know people think that I just push a button and pull bad ass videos out of my ass and that I only do this for Polaris but guess what??? THERE IS VIDEOS ON OUR YOUTUBE WE HAVE DONE FOR CAN-AM - JOHN DEERE - KAWASAKI and soon YAMAHA!!

Don't like what you see here? Well then I am sure there is another website that spends their time and resources to go to races to tell the story of all these awesome racers and their teams???

Thanks for taking time to shit on our site and our work...

No I won't ban you, that wouldnt be fair and logical. You can say what you want, but please know the facts...

Dang Joey or should I say Jesus Christ I had no idea how

Sensitive you seem to be

I really do not feel I was shitting on no-one house

I was just stating what my eyes see>>>Guess since this is a Polaris base Site

and Video.

Is that a fact?

Now you have me afraid to state what my eyes see:eek:

I like to pick my fights and this is one that is not worth my time

Big Corporation seem to really mess good folks up

Could be just the Money Thing

Don't Know, Don't Care

Keep up the Good work over here

Once a member feels afraid to speak what there eyes see

Or is accused of, taking time to shit on our site and our work

Than the point of having fun and contributing to the site

Is lost
Do you really believe this is a Polaris based site??? Did you not see any of the links I just posted above? Do you not look at or read our home page??

When you make statements like you did you should not be surprised to receive a rebuttal. You essentially made claim that I am ran by Polaris and made it seem as if I choose to ignore other OEM's because Polaris chooses to pay us to create Polaris based content for them and their racers and enthusiasts. As if I should apologize for that and if that means that I ignore other OEMs.

Anyway, I am sensitive to the fact that people can and have and still will make inaccurate assumptions based on what their eyes may see. But when that happens, please do not close your eyes when I point out the facts. I am sorry if my response ruined your fun, but your inaccurate assumptions ruined my fun as well.

Don't worry, we can all still be friends. Thats whats awesome about this site. But if anyone chooses to leave then thats fine too. This isn't Iran. You can come and go as you please.
Dang Joey or should I say Jesus Christ I had no idea how

Sensitive you seem to be

I really do not feel I was shitting on no-one house

I was just stating what my eyes see>>>Guess since this is a Polaris base Site

and Video.

Is that a fact?

Now you have me afraid to state what my eyes see:eek:

I like to pick my fights and this is one that is not worth my time

Big Corporation seem to really mess good folks up

Could be just the Money Thing

Don't Know, Don't Care

Keep up the Good work over here

Once a member feels afraid to speak what there eyes see

Or is accused of, taking time to shit on our site and our work

Than the point of having fun and contributing to the site

Is lost

As my eyes see the site it doesn't seem Polaris based at all..... The videos that are paid for by Polaris that UtvUnderground shares with us are deff Polaris based. I'm not quite sure where the problem lies?
The problem is only with those who refuse to understand how paid content works. The problem is those people think that I choose to just do this content with my own money because I favor a brand. The problem is not with this site, the problem is some people speak without either 1. checking or 2. understanding the facts.

Want more content from other OEM's outside of Polaris!?? Then tell them!! Believe me, we want to do this stuff for all the OEM's. But I will say this, when we do, support it. We did a sick highlight video of the 2013 Can-Am BITD season and it only got 1700 +/- views. When the fans that complain don't help us respond then Can-Am or any other OEM isn't going to support it further.

Anyway, I sound like a damn crybaby but its just lame that people, whether they hate Polaris or not can't appreciate that UTVUnderground.com has forged a relationship to get these OEM's to do this type of stuff. Whether its 100 videos by Polaris and 10 by others, everyone should be happy they are getting anything, especially as it relates to racing because without UTVUnderground there aren't many other sites like ours who give that many shits about UTV racing! We COMMIT to covering UTV racing. We don't just pick and choose a couple.
The problem is only with those who refuse to understand how paid content works. The problem is those people think that I choose to just do this content with my own money because I favor a brand. The problem is not with this site, the problem is some people speak without either 1. checking or 2. understanding the facts.

Want more content from other OEM's outside of Polaris!?? Then tell them!! Believe me, we want to do this stuff for all the OEM's. But I will say this, when we do, support it. We did a sick highlight video of the 2013 Can-Am BITD season and it only got 1700 +/- views. When the fans that complain don't help us respond then Can-Am or any other OEM isn't going to support it further.

Anyway, I sound like a damn crybaby but its just lame that people, whether they hate Polaris or not can't appreciate that UTVUnderground.com has forged a relationship to get these OEM's to do this type of stuff. Whether its 100 videos by Polaris and 10 by others, everyone should be happy they are getting anything, especially as it relates to racing because without UTVUnderground there aren't many other sites like ours who give that many shits about UTV racing! We COMMIT to covering UTV racing. We don't just pick and choose a couple.

Anyway I look at it I for one appreciate UtvUnderground and everything they do to help the utv scene grow and advance! Keep up the great work and being a racer I love seeing the videos you guys produce!
Joey, please stop convincing Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki and Deere to stay out of the sport market. Since you and Polaris rule the world!!!

I'm so country... I'm my own damn cousin.
Just think of Joey as a high dollar UTV media whore.... available to anyone who wants to pay/play. Don't complain to Joey if polaris is the only one willing to pimp him out... lol CanAM and ArticCat need step it up. :D Respectfully and in fun.
If I could do it on my own dime I would, but its not reality. Each race video we do costs a minimum of $10k-$15K and go all the ay up to $50K depending on the race and toys and people we bring to film.
Seems to me the other OEM's and their fans are conceding victory to Polaris. And, shouldn't they? Polaris outsells the next nearest competitor 10-1. Don't think there is a reason for that? Only makes sense that much of the content on UTVUG is about Polaris RZR and its race teams does it not? Most of us members have a RZR. Obviously, common sense may not be so common...

Please do not consider this a hit on the very good and respected Can Am race teams. They know what the UG is all about and likely wish their sponsor would "go all in" like Polaris has. Too bad again that someone like Joey D. who has arguably done more than anyone for UTV racing has to defend himself...again.

Too bad a good thread about the V2R was hijacked. Lets get back to the smack talk and who is going to contend at the V2R. Will we see a Can Am on the podium again? If so, who? 1905? 1917? 1904? Certainly could be any or all of those competitive teams. They are proven.
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O.K Every-one does have some good points and I respect them all

Thanks for taking the time and helping me see what you see

As far as this being a polaris based site

You made some awesome points about it not being one

Thank You

I learned a-lot, but I always seem to learn the Hard-Way
Wow! and here I thought that I kept late hours! I'm in for a hun JIM. Cash at the starting line is probably how it's going to go down. I just know we'll be pulling in late. Here at the "Burnett Buffet", we have plenty on our plate. Hey, look over there> :eek: It's a $hit sandwich.! Mmmmm. I'll probably finish with one or two of those morsels before the buffet closes.:(:(
Wow! and here I thought that I kept late hours! I'm in for a hun JIM. Cash at the starting line is probably how it's going to go down. I just know we'll be pulling in late. Here at the "Burnett Buffet", we have plenty on our plate. Hey, look over there> :eek: It's a $hit sandwich.! Mmmmm. I'll probably finish with one or two of those morsels before the buffet closes.:(:(

Yea.....occasionally I can sleep so of course I catch up on my UTVUG fix.
First place buys the second place team drinks ALL NIGHT SATURDAY!
if we run the same program 1st bought a round for 2nd...but if you have to buy drinks all night for a team like jagged your gonna go in the hole on that deal.:eek: I say we keep it siple with a round @ the bar in Reno.:D

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