Last year our pacifico keg got cancelled. We ended up with coors light (the standard desert beer). This year camp boss wants to bring pacificos in bottles. I know the blm and our utv and buggy tires hate bottles. We dispose of inside of rv. And use solo cups or bulldog containers we got at sxs perf grand opening. Anybody else brining bottles? Or just a plain NO NO? We are very clean about it. And NO we never burn pallets. I am very strict about that. We bring seasoned split local firewood.

I always drink from the bottle, I hate cans. Changes the flavor to me. Never had an issue, well none that I remember... :D
OK OK.. So do we wana make this a group camp ( UTVUG ) if so where and if not ( UTVUG ) where do you all wana camp, hammer town or out of town ?
Jimandmelissa will chime in. The "heights" maybe??? My buddy is bringing his 37' 5th wheel. Im sure he is gonna want to pull up near hammertown fence. I couldn't find the utvug camp last year :(. So we camped over by the LCQ course. Great view. And got my red wrist band so we were able to drive the utv into hammertown. And blackpowder campfire bombs were a plenty. Man i miss sobe bottles.
Well then damn it Rusty, make room for me.... I will have a few with me also.. When are you rolling up there ?
PRP will be there all week. Looking forward to a good time as always. Personally, my first time in Johnson Valley. Happy to hear the news the other day so I don't miss out on future events/trips.


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Check it out at www.PRPseats.com/GetHammered

PRP will be there all week. Looking forward to a good time as always. Personally, my first time in Johnson Valley. Happy to hear the news the other day so I don't miss out on future events/trips.

Congrats on getting to come out. It will change your prospective.;) I missed the first 2 years but after my first KOH I haven't missed one since. I will be out all week as well. Stop by Shannon Cambells pit and say hi if your wandering around. If I'm not there I will be out wheeling. You can also look for the Undertaker rigs on the top of back door at night heckling.:D
We usually look to camp against the hill hard left after going through checkpoint/entrance but naturally its packed so wind up going out in the flats by the little mound that's a geocache. Great view of hammertoen since a bit elevated, close to everything but still a half mile away from other campers for privacy. Works well for KOH. Off weekends it's Soggy Rockpile or the buttes. Wheres the heights BTW?

sent from the top of China Wall
Here is the location of Hammertown Heights.


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hmmmm. 5 pounds of black powder in stock locally. :eek: might have to dust off the old bowling ball cannon.

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