Keyesville, LaFamilia Style

If you're pulling a 5th wheel trailer in be very careful when you turn off of the pavement to go into camp. One bed has been crunched, sure hate to see that happen. If you'd like a spotter camp isn't to far to wander into from there to round up another set of eyes. George cannot help, he's already drunk:D
With that out of the way, I went up and dropped off my camper. It's perfect up there:) It's cool, a breeze blowing to keep the dust in check and the view from camp is good. :D
Wish you could make it Dev, but we'll see you on the next one.

There will be a new person coming into camp this evening, his name is Ron. He's on the no shoot list.
Great trip and group to spend a weekend with! Great job Chris and looking forward to some more scouting trips in the near future....Cant wait to see your new ride! ;):D
Helluva great time:D Thanks everyone who came out! We can sure put on a party can't we?! This weekend was awesome despite the lap dance:eek:

Thanks again for the use of your S while the Short Bus had to sit Sunday out, I think we'll get a 2 seater and spread the kids out among the group from now on:D I owe you one man.
Well. I spent the weekend rafting and wishing I was driving my RZR. :(I had already promised my best friend the rafting trip but also promised it would be my last. Looking forward to your next ride!:)
great weekend with great people, great job chris, you pass as a great scout master . look forward to the next ride in Keysville.
Thanks Chris! You rok buddy! Great weekend of riding and camping! Keyesville is a lotta fun!
Thanks to all of you guys and gals who came. I've ridden those trails a half dozen times and this weekend was the best yet. We have the best group of people anywhere! Grumpy if you'd pass along to the misses how much it pleases me that she does not regard my ride as a ladies ride that would be great:D lol

Well. I spent the weekend rafting and wishing I was driving my RZR. :(I had already promised my best friend the rafting trip but also promised it would be my last. Looking forward to your next ride!:)
Rumor has it there's a Miller Jeep trail ride coming soon. I hope you can swing it!

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