Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10K!!



Jagged-X, factory Polaris sponsored race team and company are now offering an affordable way to build your new 2012 Polaris RZR-4 XP900 into a BITD legal race car for $10,000!!!

Jagged-X (Jagged X - Custom Off Road Fabrication - Polaris Ranger RZR, Yamaha Rhino, Polaris Ranger, Kawasaki Teryx, Arctic Cat Prowler - Phoenix, Arizona) came up with this concept nearing the end of last season while testing with Polaris executive and UTV enthusiast Craig Scanlon in the deserts of Arizona. The idea was to offer new and old racers the option of being able to take one of the hottest new platforms to hit the UTV market and convert into a BITD legal race car for no more than $10,000.00. With some hard work the idea turned into a reality and finally competed in this past weekends 2012 BITD Parker 250 race (http://www.utvunderground.com/f46/2012-bitd-parker-250-pics-results-utvunderground-com-8719.html).

The idea is to bring Jagged your new 2012 Polaris RZR-4 XP900 and they will convert it into a 2 seat racing machine equipped with Suspension Seats, Harnesses, Window Nets, GPS, Race Communications, Fuel Cell, Chassis, Aluminum and much more turning your stock car into a safe and reliable desert racer. The concept is genius and having had the opportunity to sit in this new car and watch it compete I can tell you this is going to be a HOT ticket item for this year and beyond.

The new Jagged-X RZR-4 XP900 race car is not only the most comfortable UTV I have ever sat in, but it also one of the coolest looking UTV's I have ever seen. The RZR-4 wheel base and XP suspension is a whoop destroyer and combined with the Polaris 900 Pro Star engine you now how a machine that can compete with the highest level UTV's for a fraction of what it has cost to build this level of machine in the past. I highly recommend everyone to get out and check this car out for themselves. Call Jagged and talk about how YOU can get out and start competing in the premier desert race organization!!

I guess I should mention that Bill Schueler in this new machine finished in the top 10 in the machines first race. 23 were entered and Bill admits to driving at a very conservative pace. I think we are going to see a new breed of race cars in the deserts really soon!







Re: Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10

re- read and answered my own question
Re: Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10

Pretty sure it makes sense as everyone pretty much predicted it last year let alone when they released the RZR XP4 but the $10K option is great!!
Re: Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10

Here are a couple from my phone...Joey, I'll try to email you the "good ones" from contingency later...


Re: Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10

Great concept! Congrats on finishing with this new car. Way to help build the UTV racing numbers. I hope to help do the same thing. Now that we had 20 cars at a race, can we hit 30?
Re: Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10

bill, brandon and mike the rzr4xp looked great at parker. i think it is a awesome concept. i believe that it will help the sport.
i would also like to say that i think that is was awesome on your guys part entering the unit in as sportsman and not in the pro class. the unit is not available to the public at race time and it a far thing to do. see you guys at the mint.
Re: Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10

thats a pretty good deal, and it looks like my big and tall a$$ would fit pretty good.
Re: Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10

I want one ......
Re: Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10

Bill was telling me yesterday that this conversion would take them about a week to complete. Even if you don't want to compete, this car would make a great dune machine.

I would assume this same type of upgrade would also work for the 2 seat XP. But Jagged would have to confirm.
Re: Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10

We found some dunes in Parker....




Re: Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10

This car did great at Vegas 2 Reno. Jagged must have built 20 of these cars already???? There is not many race cars out there that can be built in a week or so using a factory platform and finish Vegas 2 Reno in just over 13 hours. There is something to be said about a $30,000 race car doing as well as it does. Great Job Jagged.
Re: Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10

its amazing how good that car does when bill and craig drive it. but you put brandon in it and its all down hill lol iam her for you brandon. bill your the shit
Re: Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10

They had done some minor preventive maintenance mods to the machine since its unveiling at Parker early this year. But for the most part it is still the most affordable race ready BITD car one could build, and yeah, they are doing pretty damn good in it!! So good, I am sending my own RZR4 XP900 to them to build... STAY TUNED!
Re: Jagged-X Introduces AFFORDABLE RZR-4 XP900 Race Car! You too can build it for $10

This car did great at Vegas 2 Reno. Jagged must have built 20 of these cars already???? There is not many race cars out there that can be built in a week or so using a factory platform and finish Vegas 2 Reno in just over 13 hours. There is something to be said about a $30,000 race car doing as well as it does. Great Job Jagged.

I didnt know it took more than a week to build a race car:D....seems like thats all the time we ever have;) I can count 4, the 570, the xp4 and the teryx, and sean cooks car:eek:

Great Job Bill!!! I dont know how you were out on friday night after Iron man'ing that rig!

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