Help! Weekend Warrior Gas Tank leaking


American Pride
My 2007 Weekend Warrior Pump Station 40 gal Gas Tank has sprung a leak. It seems to have corroded or small pinhole (not at the seam, it is in about the middle on bottom of tank). Just called Warrior Lifestyles for a replacement, and nearly fell over. They want $650, plus my trailer would have to be retrofit for the new style tank. Can the tank be fixed?? or do I need a new tank? Has anyone had to do this? :(
I have used that gas tank fixin putty (permatex brand), the 2 color putty that you knead together then apply, worked on our buggy for a couple years. Can be applied even when the tank is leaking. Worth the 5$ to try.
I have used that gas tank fixin putty (permatex brand), the 2 color putty that you knead together then apply, worked on our buggy for a couple years. Can be applied even when the tank is leaking. Worth the 5$ to try.

I didnt know they made anything like that...might give it a shot to finish the season. That will keep me from towing a 35' molatoff cocktail! LOL :D
Weld it :cool:

[ame=]Weld fuel tank with gas in it - YouTube[/ame]
At the very least make sure to purge it before you weld. :cool:

[ame=]Purging A Fuel Cell For Welding - YouTube[/ame]
I have used that gas tank fixin putty (permatex brand), the 2 color putty that you knead together then apply, worked on our buggy for a couple years. Can be applied even when the tank is leaking. Worth the 5$ to try.

X2...Permatex instant gas tank repair
Thanks for the tips guys, so is Jim volunteering to weld the tank?? :D But seriously can it be welded? Who does this in the SD area? Cool videos though!!
Thanks for the tips guys, so is Jim volunteering to weld the tank?? :D But seriously can it be welded? Who does this in the SD area? Cool videos though!!

Seriously - as long as the tank is purged, it can be welded. I would call around and see if anyone wants to tackle the project and knows what they are doing. Probably have to take the tank out to do the job. Shouldn't be too hard if you're handy.

Google - gas tank repair san diego

Some radiator shops might also take it on.
Fill it full of water till is coming out the neck and weld it up. No gas Vapors no Explosion.:D
Seriously - as long as the tank is purged, it can be welded. I would call around and see if anyone wants to tackle the project and knows what they are doing. Probably have to take the tank out to do the job. Shouldn't be too hard if you're handy.

Google - gas tank repair san diego

Some radiator shops might also take it on.

Cool, thanks Jim. yep, I'm handy enough to remove the tank, just cant weld to save my life. If its made of wood, I got the tools and the know how...just not any metal fab skills.

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