Help me make the right choice in my purchase.....

Like others said each machine will have its own problems. wildcat has full diff lock unlike MavX. Now for your riding, ask yourself if 18" of clearance is better then 14" and if so get the Wildcat X. I followed RZRs and a Mav X up a rock section and they took a few attempts to get over a section. When I was up after I crawled right up with crappy Duro Tires vs now stock Maxxis Bighorn.

Yes the MavX has a plush seat that beats a Wildcat, but if your going to replace them with aftermarket seats it won't matter. I didn't like the leg space on the MavX cause your driver leg or passenger leg is pretty much laying along the engine which I was told by the MavX owner gets really warm during warm riding days but loves how it keeps you warm during winter rides.

MavX used to be top speed King but I hear those with the new Wildca X are hanging right there with them on flat surface. Hit the whoops and the Mav will let off the as with the Cat can stay peddle to metal.

Wait to see what Polaris comes up with at the end of the month.
One more thought, Wildcat has power steering which is great. Not sure if MavX has that as stock or an expensive option.
Hello all, I bought my Maverick xrs in May and already have blown up two Clutches, has anyone else had this happen and does anyone know how many times somthing have to go wrong for the same thing to fall under Lemon Law.? It's done it twice and I'm pretty sure it's gonna happen again, when the clutch slips the bolt tightens and then it will break from what I understand, dealer put red lock tight on instead of blue lock tight this time but I'm not convinced that's gonna solve the problem..hmm :(
3 times in Cali for LL. Just buy a QSC primary and be done with it! $875 plus shipping and removal tool. I was told that the cvt system is only covered for the first 6 months.

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