Help, is this because of my new smart phone?


Retired - And Still UTVUNderground Approved!!!!
Now that I have a new smart phone (iphone) suddenly my email accounts are getting hacked and sending out all kinds of shit to my contacts. Is this because of my iphone?

One is kinda a junk account but the other is tied to my sons racing and super important, I cant have this happening....

They're Live & Hotmail accounts, I have changed passwords, security settings, everything windows, msn, who ever the F they are said to do, they even suspended my one account after the latest spam blast, I made all the changes requested by them and it did it again this morning.

Anyone else have this happen? My PC is clean, its is so loaded with virus, spy ware, malware crap it barely moves so Im lost and thinking of deleting the accounts which sucks.

Anyone else have this happen? Advice?
it could be but i doubt it. i generally do all my emails phone and logged work pc once and got phished.

download ccleaner on your pc. once installed make sure EVERYTHING is checkmarked in the little boxes on both tabs to make sure it cleaning everything.

run the cleaner, go change your password to a difficult one on the pc, make sure you update it on your phone too and you should be good.
LOL, my latest password is 16 charecters alphanumeric upper lower case, its so tough I cant remember it.

This is super frustrating.
I wouldn't think it would be your of the nice things about Mac is the lack of viruses.

Might be a dumb question, but have you googled what's going on with you? This is how I figured out my last nasty virus on my PC.....
then ya run ccleaner then change password. if your being pished on the same pc and not cleaning it, then it will get your password again
That is so weird Doug. Not sure what else you could do if you already reset passwords except delete the accounts and start a new Gmail and toss the PC and go MAC! lol.

Seriously though. If you ever can do it switch to MAC. It was the best thing I did.

I hope you get the problem sorted. Also make sure to never click on any spam emails. If you get an email even from someone you know and it ha a one liner and a link, delete it! Clicking those links will sometimes expose you as well.
Theres no way your not infected with something on your PC, for it to be happening that fast.. Or someone is listening in to your WiFi traffic at home/office. Do you have a secure wireless hotspot, or an open one?

Seriously though. If you ever can do it switch to MAC. It was the best thing I did.

Theres no way your not infected with something on your PC, for it to be happening that fast.. Or someone is listening in to your WiFi traffic at home/office. Do you have a secure wireless hotspot, or an open one?


Home wifi is longest alphanumeric combo I can have and have recently changed it, work is even worse.
Ive run BITdefender, Security Essentials, Symetic, System Mech Pro, and for grins, ccleaner as suggested. Will reboot, repassword, then reload weapon & shoot PC & iphone if all this fails.
Just in case this happens to you here is what I did, I cant track where the problem started or the solution to anyone thing, just a combonation actions to solve a headache of a problem that Im glad never went beyond unauthorised emails from one of my accounts.

Virus scan with two different products, neither found anything.
Ran System Mechanic Pro (registery, temp file, etc cleaner)
Downloaded CCleaner (free version of Sys Mech) and that program kicks ass, thanks El Kido! It fixed & cleaned things Sys. Mech Pro missed, computor ran noticably better after that.
Changed passwords & hints to all email accounts, computors, paypal, ebay, credit cards, bank acct, phone acct, WiFi, cell phones.
Knock on wood, no problems since Friday morning.


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