Head lights


New Member
I broke my head light switch. So i want to know if i can just install a rocker switch on/off. my HIDS only come on when the switch was in the high position. Am assuming blue is power and the other 2 are H/L so would only need one of them plus the power?
Broke my head light switch to day. cant i put in a on/off switch in place of the other one? Asumming blue is power and the other 2 are H/L my HID'S only come on in the high position. Idont need the other wire do I?
no. one is for high and the other is low.

I only use my high wire lead too.

I have the wiring diagram if you want it.
I broke my head light switch. So i want to know if i can just install a rocker switch on/off. my HIDS only come on when the switch was in the high position. Am assuming blue is power and the other 2 are H/L so would only need one of them plus the power?

yes, the input and one of the outputs will work. this way your tail lights will work also.
I would make sure you use a good switch. What I mean is one that has a higher amp rating than what you are using. for example if the lights draw 4 amps dont buy a 5 amp rated switch, buy a 10 amp rated switch it will last a lot long. Just my 2 cents worth.

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