All UTV's Harness Wrist Straps


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Hello, I was out @ Glamis Txgvg weekend found a group to ride with, guy in POL 800XP told me he rolled his wife grabbed the roll bar cut her fingers right off. $34K to air lift out. Wow, sad story.

I had just put new Pro-Armor 5 pts in out there he said I can clip them in same place floor belt does. He said it's mainly for passenger.

Question is where can I get them PA does not offer and do I need it for driver too?

Thanks for any help.
Crow, PRP, Renegade, Simpson, ect. Any harness manufacturer should have them.

Fingers cut off in the sand? $34k bill while still in the dunes? XP 800? Perhaps it was the missing 100cc's that caused the roll! lol

All joking aside, I now wear a helmet, as does my passenger. Also after running the drags at 75mph I'm now bringing my window nets and neck restraints with me. You can never be too safe!
The very fist day I had my Rhino, I rolled it twice in the dunes. The first roll, I instinctively held onto the roll cage while going over and it harmed my hand none. Not saying your story isnt true, but it's rather hard to believe.....
Yeah he said his wife grabbed the top of the bar wrapped her fingers around then rolled. 800 must weigh what at least 1000lbs since I know my 900 is 1200 comes down on your fingers even in sand I believe it. Mine has a hard plastic roof that crush fingers for sure. Some are telling me driver will keep thier hands on the controls, others put them on driver too somehow.

I was starting to loose my helmet since I seen others not wearing one in the dunes then peeps were also telling me it can cause whip lash after my 90lb lady friend got injured vet weekend/Glamis when I came off a bowl too fast and hit a burm. Well she damaged her trap muscle so I'm going to get her a lighter helmet and both of us donuts.

If we wear helmets do we need window nets too what will they do? Maybe they be good to keep hands in a side roll too....hmmmm!

My son was national pro-am quad racer, many ER visits, worse I seen his fore arm bone broke in half came out of skin from breaking a fall fwd landing a 80 ft tripple to short cased it ejected him like a rocket. He should of tuck n rolled but hands out when only seconds to think is a natural reaction.
I had wrist restraints when I raced stock Rhinos....they work well for their intended use. I also wear a helmet anytime we hit the dunes in my SR1 - not worried so much about me rolling (although that is always a possibility) - but I worry more about some sandrail cresting a dune and landing on top of my car/t-boning met, etc.....can't have too much protection for the ol' noggin. :)

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