Group ride/get together on my west coast visit?


New Member
Hi guys,
I'm a newbie on this site but have been on Teryx forums for 2 years now, a guy on there suggested I post up on this site....I'm heading out to Ca again for work and toting my 09 Teryx with me on the trip. Looking for some great riding spots that are somewhat family friendly as I'll have my wife and 4 yr with me.
After posting up on the Teryx site I'm thinking I'd like to try Pismo, anyone up for a group ride or get together? Here's my schedule:

July 7-9th Salinas working the Grand Am race at Laguna Seca
July 10-13th, real plans free to ride. Would like to make my way down to So Cal as I want to hit Disney prob Tues 12th or Wed 13th which ever is cooler.
July 14th-17th working :( visiting dealers and doing sales promo's with rig.
July 18th 0n......whatever works! Start heading back east slowly, def want to hit Moab for a few days, thinking I'll be there about Wed the 20th.

So I was thinking if anyone was up for a Sun get together/ride I'd love to try and do Pismo on Sun the 10th.

Would love to see about a group ride in Moab area as well on or about the 20th if anyone is in the area or would like to go?

Any other suggestions I'm always looking for input....I've heard Miller Canyon could be a cool day trip, anyone up for riding there maybe Mon or Tues? I'm going to hit my office in Northridge and drop my 40' trailer off to make getting around easier.
Man too bad you couldn't come out to Glamis with us on the 16th! We are doing an awesome night ride out there.

Have fun on your trip, keep us posted with where you end up and how it all works out for you! And thanks for joining the site!!!
I wish I could make it, I'm gonna give it a try. I have to work on Sun the 17th at a retailer doing a sales promo. If I can get out of Sunday I will be there for sure!
I will be at Pismo Jul 8-10 with Michaeltom401 and few of his friends. They call it the Oceano Dunes SVRA now, if you want to look it up. Hope you have 4-wheel drive. Let us know if you want to meet up. Looks like Pismo is about 2.5-3 hrs south of Seca.

Anyone else is welcome to join us too! They have 450+ open reservations right now...
Very cool, I did see that name changed. I'm assuming I need a flag/whip because it's dune riding? What should we wear for riding there, shorts and T-shirts or riding pants and long sleeve jerseys?

My truck is actually 2wd and with the trailer attached I weight about 25k lbs and the trailer is a 3 axle. I looking to park the rig, unload the Terxy and go riding from there. I was thinking of just doing a day trip for a few hrs on our way down to So Cal from Laguna Seca, I guess we could stay there Sun night just means I gotta drive in traffic on Mon when head to Northridge. Where is there to stay or are you guys camping?
Flag is mandatory. There are vendors there.

The day trip should work for you on Sunday, I am guessing most of us will be leaving in the afternoon. We will be setting up camp on the beach. I can help tow you in if you get stuck, which is probably guaranteed with 2wd and 25k. You will be a lot better off at low tide. I usually drive in with my tires at 15 psi.
We have a miller canyon run at the end of the month ,but I think you won't be around but if you want to go solo I can get you a map and all you need to get in and out , So give me the heads up and will go from Have fun time on your work/road trip.
Here's some pix of miller ,just to give you a idea have plenty more, but dont want to turn your thread in to mine take care :) (and there is camping)



Great pics! Would luv to ride there, maybe I can hit it up on Mon or Tues.

Sandcyco, is there a place to park with out going out on the sand? I'm quite concerned about getting stuck, my rig is kinda big and once it gets stuck it can be a nightmare to get out. If there is a parking lot somewhere near by where I could at least leave the trailer I would stand a much better chance. As for running at 15psi I'll have to see, I've got 22.5's from a big truck so running low psi is tricky. ESP since I need to re-inflate them to hitch up the trailer. But I'm sure there is a place near by for air like OBX.
No parking lots, you have to drive through the sand to get to the OHV area. There is also a little river to cross that is not bad during this season. There is a vendor that sells air $1 a tire, if they are there.

Looks like it will be tough for you. Your best chance is at low tide. Here are the tides for Sunday:
4:38am -.85 Low
11:24am 3.64 High
3:31pm 2:55 Low

One option would be to see if there is a UHaul in town and rent a small trailer for the day.
The Teryx fits in the bed of my truck so I don't need a Uhaul. The trailer I'm pulling is part of my display for work. Has a demo car, product displays etc. My reason for wanting to locate a near by parking lot was to unhitch the trailer and leave it while we ride, I'm really concerned about the weight and getting stuck with the entire rig. With out the trailer, truck only I weigh about 12,500 lbs. And she's only 2wd since i mostly do highway driving. The biggest issue I have in soft stuff is the front wheels sinking in from the tremendous weight on them from the motor etc. The rear will have a bunch in it 1700lbs or with the Teryx inside so that might help but dual wheels suck fir sand, mud and snow :(
I've never been thier but its my understanding thier is a nearby campground that you can camp at / drop the trailer and then you can throw your teryx in the bed of your truck and drive into the Dune area. Any locals know of the campground thats not part of the Dunes?
There are a few campgrounds right outside the beach area, I dont know the names though.

There is room to park on the street that leads to the beach, but I dont know if there are any restrictions on unhitched trailers. The Rangers can probably tell you where to park if you call them. ;)
That would be perfect. I will look up the site again and see if there is contact info. Even if I could ride from that lot I could unload then re-hitch r back up enough so it would looked hitched :cool:
Here's a pic of my truck to give you an idea of the size, and a pic of my trailer on my truck a few years ago when I first got it


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Did some digging on different sites and mapped stuff out, where do you guys usually head in to ride? I found a parking lot, looks like, might be a campground but either way it has direct access to dunes, shows it as Euclid Ave off of Sliver Spur PL. Sliver Spur shows on the map as having the Pacific Dunes RV resort and riding stables. Looks like I should be able to drive rig right out there no problem, only question is can I hit the dunes from there on my rex or is that ATV restricted.
Also pondering staying at a hotel in Pismo that night, and driving to Northridge Monday. What time does everyone usually ride till? Anyone recommend a decent hotel in the area? I found a few doing a quick search but it can be so hard to tell what is a great deal and what is a dump :eek: LOL
You have to drive a mile or so down the beach to get to the Offroad Area. We ride from our campsite inside the riding area. The 2 access streets are Grand or Pier only.

I will be leaving Sunday about 3 or 4, not sure on the rest, probably earlier. Not sure about any hotels. Send me a PM if you want my cell # so we can meet up.

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