Guess we will see when it finally gets released...what is the most recent release date rumor?
Suppose to be released in February.
In the meantime Polaris release the new single seat XP1000 today.
I saw that...actually looks more impressive then i was originally expecting when i 1st heard about it
Pretty cool concept and car. Wheelbase is a little short for the desert and dunes. If this sells well I could see them coming out with a longer wheelbase turbo model. LOL!
I imagine the GNCC racers will love this car.
I drove the new single seater last April, and it’s a blast! I am disappointed with the shorter wheelbase though. But the price point is good.
I’m looking forward to the reviews on the Wildcat XX. From the few I’ve spoke to that have driven it, they say it’s awesome, but most of those might be a bit biased as they are in the Robby camp. I’m surprised Joey is not going and that he is sending someone else? The long anticipated Wild Cat that we have all heard about for years! Maybe it’s a Polaris thing?
I would say that Husky, Kobalt, Craftstman and Harbor Freight are all on par with each other these days. They are all probably made in the same factory in China.
I too can't wait to see the new WIdcat XX. The motor will be solid as it is a Yamaha motor. Let's just hope that Textron surrounds the car with better quality than the Wildcats of past. Still think Textron would be wise to release the turbo model first to get people fired up.
The new Polaris video is a good tease and I would guess they are just releasing that single seat XP or whatever they will call it. A lot of the sponsored racers and sponsored people got to take out for a spin several months ago.
Polaris I think is still cleaning house and dealing with the fallout of the recall stuff. They have to clean that up before you can release some new platform. I got a letter in the mail from Polaris and CPSC saying something about fire hazards and make sure you get your recalls done a few weeks ago.
It was nine months ago, and I have a hard time putting a memory from that long ago into words. It was fun. It felt like a small single seat buggy. We couldn’t tell at the time if it was 60 inches wide or 64 inches. So I’m glad to see that it is 64. But I’m disappointed in that 83 inch wheelbase. It won’t do well through the desert whoops with that short of a wheel base.
Honestly, at the price that they’re asking for it, I would’ve really considered it over getting my XP turbo just as a vehicle to hold me over for 2 to 5 years until something with a real transmission comes out. Because I already had my XPT at the time to compare to, and it was fairly close in the fun factor.
Any plus or minus to the Tomahawk engine as it compares to the Prostar that usually comes in the XP1K's?
I am not super familiar with the polaris engine packages
Polaris certainly did some house cleaning over a year ago but have had a solid team in place in the ORV department since then. What they did do was take a big hard look internally to figure out where things went wrong. They then put into motion a plan to get back to the basics and return to the foundation for which they built RZR upon.
The launch you see today, while not earth shattering for those simply wanting to continue to see the battle on paper continue, is a huge move in the direction for which they left off. And thats introducing more new platforms further diversifying their lineup.
I can all but tell you that this isn't the only thing we will see in the near future from Polaris. While they still maintain a dominant #1 in sales, and the RZR XP Turbo is still a very worth adversary to the X3 in all respects, perception within the southwest sport market and other areas where sport dominates, is that the X3 is the flavor of the month and they want / expect to see RZR respond with a one-upper model. I think the challenge within is, do they really need to one up it? Is the X3 hurting market share that much? In the grand scheme of things NO, but this is the company that not only put the sport UTV market in motion but also dominated it for many many years. They do not like being second fiddle whether that be figuratively speaking or perception wise.
While everyone seems to hold Polaris to sometimes unattainable expectations, its funny that you don't see the same pressure placed upon the other brands who are still extremely far behind Polaris and even Can-Am. Its kind of like the Patriots in football. It doesn't matter that they dominated for the past 15 years, if they have one bad year you see all of the haters come out and pile on and if they respond with a decent year it isn't enough unless of course they win the Super Bowl again. Even then, everyone who feels the need to not give credit where its due, will find a reason to try and bring them down. Think the patriots care about those guys? No way.. you can't pay attention to that crap. You just have to keep doing what you do to accomplish the goals you place on yourself.
At the end of the day, I think we will see Polaris bounce back stronger than ever over the course of the next two years. Perception in our sport world may not always reflect that because they finally have some legit competition in the segment with the X3. But as long as sales climb like they are now, and recalls are eliminated, fire concerns dissipate, then we can all get back to arguing over who makes the best clutch and who will win the Baja 1000! lol
Now we are talking long wheel base turbo model haha!
You are right about the wheel base...i think like you said though GNCC and maybe a new WORCS class and you could have a less expensive way to get into that style racing...radiator is already located up and out of the way so not a huge feat to make it race-able..
And its 2wd....the front tires on a UTV throw a constant barrage of material...thats probably why it works on those mini buggiesNot a UTV but, the Ecotech powered, CVT driven, #3006 Predator buggy ran the whole way at the B1K with uncovered clutches and has raced so for a number of years. A scheduled clutch change 1/2 way and no issues other than a support dealeo between the primary and secondary broke at RM 80ish. They ran it to SF and went from a big lead to 30 mins behind. The fix took us 15 mins while the drivers stretched: We just hose clamped it out of the way and they took it off at the clutch change. No issues, no belts got a second due to the vibration from that mount putting them behind and a neo driver team down south got lost and were slow.
Only mod besides making sure the motor/trans mounts were strong and the alignment correct was their prep guy made a guard on the lower side to keep rocks out.