Forty One Congressional Leaders Send USFS Letter

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
The BlueRibbon Coalition applauded the 41 members of Congress who sent a letter to U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell urging the agency to prioritize and protect robust and diverse access and recreation in the national forests as the Forest Service National Planning Rule is developed.

The U.S. Forest Service (FS) is in the process of revising their regulations that govern how the agency prepares Forest Plans. Known as the "Planning Rule," these regulations will be the driving force behind how the agency develops, amends and revises their Land Use Plans. The letter was prompted by concerns over draft planning concepts made public earlier this year.

Specifically, the letter drew attention to a "Draft Recreation Approach" that included concepts and terms that are undefined and unclear. The letter also stressed the importance of the concept of Multiple Use Sustained Yield in developing Forest Plans.

BRC's Executive Director, Greg Mumm, applauded the letter. "BRC is pleased to see that the importance of the US Forest Service providing recreation is on the radar of key Congressional leaders. It demonstrates their keen awareness of the economic and social importance recreation has for dependent local communities."

The BlueRibbon Coalition, as well as other recreational stakeholders, has been concerned that the draft proposals emanating from the agency did not adequately address the importance of recreation. BRC joined with over 70 recreation groups who collectively sent a letter outlining their concerns to the Forest Service earlier this year.

More here . . . Forty One Congressional Leaders Send USFS Letter - Press Room
Thank ‘em When They’re Good, Spank ‘em When They’re Not

Here’s a link to “the letterâ€. All the Congress critters who signed it appear at the end of the letter. If your Representative was good like mine was you should consider sending them a “thank you†letter.

Find your Congress critter by zip code here . . . United States House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session

Link to letter . . .

Here’s my letter which I sent via email, please feel free to use any of it you may find useful in creating one your own.

Honorable Congressman Lungren:

I am writing today to thank you for recognizing and supporting the important role that multiple use public access and recreation plays in the lives of American families on our great nation’s national forest land.

The letter you signed to U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell stressing the importance of our national forests to all Americans while pointing out concerns held by you and your colleagues regarding certain language in the draft National Forest System land management planning rule was sorely needed.

The forest service has lost touch with the intent of the Multiple-Use Sustained Yield Act of 1960 and the National Forest Management Act, instead adopting a policy of preserving the land from the people not for the people.

I applaud you and your colleague’s efforts to support the important recreational opportunities of we the people and look forward to a new era of USFS public land management under your continued oversight.

Lastly, I would be remiss in not congratulating you on having been named Chairman of the Committee on House Administration for the 112th Congress. I am eager to see the committee bring a more efficient, responsible government back to the people.


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