For Those of You Who Care - S. 22 is Now Hiding in H.R.146

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
"After the failed House vote, a senior House Democratic aide said House leaders would not take up the bill under regular order, where a simple majority could pass the measure but also leave it open to a GOP motion to recommit or amendment.

This time around, Senate leaders will use a bill -- H.R. 146, protecting Revolutionary War battlefields -- already slated for consideration on the Senate floor and replace its contents with the omnibus package. It would also contain one change designed to address House concerns, language from Rep. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.) to ensure that the omnibus would not close off lands that are already open to hunting and fishing.

Because H.R. 146 already passed the House earlier this month, the House Rules Committee could approve a closed rule that would block a motion to recommit, the House parliamentarian said. That would eliminate the GOP's best procedural chance to stymie the bill. House Democrats could also choose to bring up the bill under suspension again, if they believe they can reach the two-thirds threshold.

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chairman Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), whose committee put the omnibus together, declined to comment on the strategy for passing the omnibus but said he was pleased with Reid's decision to bring up the bill again. "I'm glad to see us get back to it," Bingaman said last week. "I think that's great."

Coburn said last week he would try to round up enough votes to defeat cloture.

A spokeswoman for House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said last week that if the Senate passes the omnibus again, the House could move on it as quickly as this week."

Read more here . . . Senate to try again with omnibus today | Campaign for America's Wilderness
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thanks for the post bob and i will put more into ur post :D and sorry i heard about the ur dog, my prayers are with ya bud

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