All UTV's DWT Sector Wheel & Doonz Tire Review by Magnum Offroad and UTVUnderground


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DWT SECTOR WHEEL & DOONZ TIRE REVIEW By Magnum Offroad and UTVUnderground

Review By: Magnum Dan
Photos By: Joey D

This is the first of what will be many product reviews based around the Magnum Offroad Can-Am Commander X. Together with UTV we plan to utilize products developed and manufactured by supporting vendors of the Underground and of Magnum Offroad. The goal of this build will be to construct the ultimate UTV duner.


First on the list of modifications was a complete set of DWT’s new 12†Sector 3-piece wheels wrapped in their 25†Doonz sand tires. Stock offset was chosen to compliment the long travel suspension planned for the vehicle.

With the help of DWT and we were able to head over to the DWT facility in Vista CA and pickup the new set of shoes. Our first impression of the new DWT Sector wheels was nothing short of amazement, both in the appearance of the wheel and the construction. The wheels truly are a work of art, and are sure to take any UTV’s appearance to the next level!



Back at the shop, the assembly of the wheels was as seamless as their design. DWT provided all of the hardware necessary for the assembly. With 2 people we were able to complete assembly in approx 45 minutes time. Next step was to wrap them in the supplied DWT Doonz sand tires. The first thing we noticed about the Doonz tires was the weight. We were amazed at how light the tires were, and were excited to weigh the tires once they were installed on the wheels. Compared to the stock Commander bead-lock wheels & Maxxis Bighorn tires there was a considerable savings. This is when we started to really get excited to put this new DWT setup to the test!

Test one was in Glamis CA with the Commander still in stock form minus the additions of harness’s, lightbar, and our new DWT tire & wheel package. Once traversing through the dunes the traction gain was immediately noticeable. The tires rode smooth and predictable, and the front ribbed smoothies cut through the sand with ease. This allowed for a more aggressive driving style through the dunes which definitely added to the fun factor! Another feature that we really liked about the Doonz tires was the ability to slide the rear end around when desired. Never did we feel a loss of control, and the vehicle would immediately track straight again with a little input from the wheel. Overall, our first experience with the new DWT setup was nothing short of awesome. We couldn’t wait to get back out into the dunes to run the project Commander some more and experiment with different air pressures in the tires to see if we couldn’t fine tune the ride even more.


Test two found us back in Glamis CA. This time project Commander X had been outfitted with the new Magnum Offroad +4 Long Travel Suspension System and Muzzy’s sport exhaust & digi tune. Our first run of the day found us heading straight for the big bowls of Glamis. With the added confidence the suspension provided, we were able to push the DWT’s even harder and see what they could really do. Just as with test one, we were not disappointed! We were able to tweak the psi on the tires and really get the tires to come alive. There was no dune that we didn’t feel confident we could tackle. The DWT products not only met but exceeded all of our expectations, and will be our first pick for future projects!

Special thanks to the great people over at DWT and at UTVUnderground for making this happen. Stay tuned to UTVUnderground for more reviews as we continue with Magnum Offroad's Project X!

To purchase any of DWT's great products feel free to contact MAGNUM OFFROAD anytime!
I can't speak for Dan above as I am not sure what he found to be the best or ideal pressure. I can tell you that when I had my Doonz running on my Rhino I ran it at about 6.5lbs in the rear and they were awesome!!!! For the record the tires do say not to run pressure lower than 10lbs but I think thats just a disclaimer for them...hahhaha Obviously at a low pressure you should be running bead locks
My preferred psi was far less than recommended by DWT. I found that they really came alive with 5psi in the rear and 6psi in the front. But found they still worked awesome any where from there up to 10psi. Driver preference I guess.
I have to say that first pic showing the sand coming from each paddle is sweet. Those tires throw some serious sand.
Thanks Bobby! I got some other bad ass shots but we are saving them for the Magnum LT and Muzzys Exhaust thread!!

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