Disisabled kid Looking to work for a utv team or trophy truck team.

brett parton

New Member
hi my name is Brett and I am 20 years old and live in san Bernardino CA. I have muscular dystrophy and confined to a wheelchair. My original plan was to become a co driver had a few good teams hit me up on here and met a few to try and figure it out but theres just no way its going to work. So now im on here looking to work for a utv or trophy truck team instead. I've had a few people suggest that i could be the radio man in the pits giving instructions to the crew or a team manager role. Or could handle PR. Tracking and logistics. This i what i want to do for a living i dont want to have a job im going to hate doing i want to enjoy it you know. Racing is in my blood my dad used to race in suppercross and got me hooked. Before i was in the wheelchair i used to tell my family im going to be a trophy truck racer not knowing what exactlly what was going on with my body then i started needing a wheelchair more and more then i hit middle school and totally lost the ability to walk. Then it hit me im not going to be able to race anymore but still had my upper body strength so i though i can race ill just have to use hand controls. Then my upper body started to get weaker. Then i just lost all hope i started to be angry i just tottaly lost my will to live i started just asking just why me i didnt do anything wrong to deserve this. Anyways sorry didnt mean to go off on that but if anyone can help me please message me i would greatly appreciate it.

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