Dezert People 7 Premiere Party



Its official, Sunday August 30th and 7pm Race-dezert will be premiering its new Dezert People 7 movie at K-1 Speed in Carlsbad.
With the help of All German Motorsports, Race-dezert will be premiering the new movie at K-1Speed, there will be a off-road car show going on outside from 2pm on, with a DJ and food for sale on site and around 6pm there will be a Celeb Off-road drivers go-cart race featuring all the biggest names in SCORE,BITD and LORRS. Then at 7pm the movie will premier, and the best part is ITS FREE to watch!!!!

UTVUNDERGROUND will have a booth displaying a couple custom SXS's. Please come down and support the Off Road community. See you at the show.

Directions to location.
K1 Speed Carlsbad - Indoor Karting / Go Kart Racing in San Diego North County

Movie Trailer.
YouTube - Dezert People Lucky 7 trailer
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Re: Desert People 7 premiere party.

Just a reminder, this Sunday All German Motorsports will be hosting the Dezert People 7 movie premier at K1 Speed in Carlsbad. The movie will be shown for Free on 10 TV's and 2 projectors. 25+ cars on display, 10+ vendors and carne tacos being served all day.

So dont miss it!
Re: Desert People 7 premiere party.

UTVunderground will be offering a Performance Breather Systems unit for the UTVUG member with fastest lap time. If you bring us your lap time print out and write your member name on it. We will give the member with the fastest time a new breather. You can run as many laps as you want. We will have a white board with the top 5 lap times.
Re: Desert People 7 premiere party.

Can we get an AZ premiere? I really wanted to make the last one and couldn't
Re: Desert People 7 premiere party.

I ordered my tickets last week for the AZ premier. Its at the Cine Capri on August 31st and at 8pm!
Re: Desert People 7 premiere party.

I ordered my tickets last week for the AZ premier. Its at the Cine Capri on August 31st and at 8pm!

Doh! Guess I have not been on race dezert enough. I think they did it on a Monday or Tues last time too. That is why I could not make it.:(
Re: Desert People 7 premiere party.

This is going to be a great video for sure! The DP series is the best desert series EVER!
Re: Desert People 7 premiere party.

I am going to ge the flyer from Curtis and I will post it up...

Sunday August 30, 2009

K1 Speed, Carlsbad, CA

All Age Venue - off-road car show, discounted racing, celebrity race, DP7 premiere

Starts at 2pm, DP7 plays at 7pm

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