Desert Racing Rules 101 (Unwritten/Common Sense)


Active Member
Added a few more I missed as this is a living document. Those with knowledge add your own in hopes we can create a new generation of savvy racers and never have another CA 200 incident...

Having watched the UTV vs 11 deal unfold and reading comments I figured I'd toss a few unwritten rules/basic ettiquite things out there for those that don't know and want to know or learn. For those that don't you can continue to be douchey...

1) NEVER NERF AN 11 CAR UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!! It's too easy with the way they are built to take out a motor and they start in the rear and have a challenging enough time making the timelines in most longer races...

2) If there is a line of cars a bottleneck, never cut out of line move up the side and then try to cut back in further up. This is referred to as a "Dickhead Move". One the faster cars ,will catch you and they will rightly punish you and you deserve it. If there is a car in front of you that may have a harder time up the obstacle, have your co dog hop out and nicely ask if you can go around and explain it, most will be cool but it's their call... If you get out of line and try a different line good on you, if you don't make it, it's up to the line to maybe let you back in where you were...

3) Proper nerfing technique ( please read this only after ingraining #1 into your psyche): Approach vehicle, try to pass w/o letting them know you are there (fyi it really falks them up mentally when they get driven around w/o knowing you were there...). Honk-siren, wait, look for options. Honk-siren wait a little more then if no room and they aren't even giving you a little to squeeze by or waiving then bump, wait again and if they don't yield at the first REALISTIC opening, it's game on; but be patient!

3a) As a passing vehicle: You should NEVER expect any car to wreck themselves into the rocks to move for you. Despite the fact you are a BA desert ace, you need to realize then need time to make a move and decide what's safe for them. IT's not your call!!! You need to be patient and give them some time to move, nothing in instantaneous. Give them a few seconds and realize if your on a single track they have no where to go... If they are waiving, they see you and intend to move so be a little patient... if they are blocking or just being a dick and you've been patient game on!

3b) As a passing vehicle: If you hit another car on purpose or don't give them time to move this is another Dickhead Move! If there are open lines and you don't take them and instead nerf them you are a Dickhead! If he is on your line that you preran or want and you have other options to pass but instead you hit someone because that was your line; again you are WRONG!

3c) Rule handed down by the Gods: Thou shall not nerf out of anger sayith Casey (RIP)

3d) You should realized the difference in speeds and classes when nerfing, it really takes talent to do it right and you should not inflict damage.

3e) Never nerf in a corner or in a way to cause the nerfee to lose control.

3f) Never push a bad pass in a open wheel car! It's up to the passer to make a clean/safe pass!

3g) IMHO these small square cornered cheesdick bumpers a lot of the UTV guys have were or are: 1) Illegal per the rules in both SCORE/BITD 2) The owners can't bend a tube and can only cut 45* angles so they suck. 3) the owners if requesting them made that was are asshats because they are making a point by building a bumper designed to inflict damage... I'd be more than happy to explain this to you personally if necessary.

4) As a passee(?): Once you realize by the siren or bump you are caught GTF outta the way ASAP. IMMEDIATLEY waive to acknowledge the person behind you and let them know you are trying and intend to move. Then find a space and give them as much room as you can without chancing damage to your vehicle or race. WARNING: If you rabbit on another class; especially a faster car or someone who is faster in a slower class, or even a car in your class: You are a Dick Head and deserve to get punished...

4a) NEVER RABBIT!!!!!!!! Reread #4 and proceed

5) If you are a co-driver aka passenger, aka meat-in-the-seat in a car with 2 people: Your job (and yes you have a few and it's not to just impress people at the bar with your wristband) is to check your 6 meaning: WATCH THE Go$&#MN MIRRORS!, not just the GPS and gauges and then let the driver know when a car is coming. Then you should waive your hand in the air and do it like you really care; to let the guy know who is crawling up your arse know you guys know they are there!!!!

6) If you see a wrecked car or bike: ALWAYS Slow and make sure they are okay!!! NEVER assume!!! A simple thumbs up and you can keep going, if not lend aid. Mr. Sappington helped a friend of ours on a bike in Plaster City and it possibly saved his life. Be that guy!!!

6a) If you see a fire help and give them your extinguisher. Period!!!

7) If you break, try to move it if possible, if not have your co driver flag people to warn them of the situation.

8) Never get out of a car if you can't see. My rule is never unbelt if you can't see either... Many guys have unbelted and climbed out only to get hit by then next guy in the dust. Read 7 then 8 again...

9) Baja Etiquette: You are in their country, treat then with respect and karma will come back!

10) This one some of the TT-C1 "Baller" guys will argue, but a lot of them are egotistical, self absorbed Dickheads unlike those here: Prerunning is to see the course, find lines and have fun. You don't need to do it a full race speeds. Close the gates and be cautious as it's not the race!!! Is it worth hurting someone prerunning?

11) Chasers: Don't be Dickheads! Driving like an A-hole and endangering people is stupid! Never pass in a blind corner! Plus, you can't help your team if you're in a wreck.

12) ALL: Turn those really cool LED bars off and don't blind people on the roads...

13) Prerace: Have your paperwork ready at sign up and tech and be prepared so as not to make people wait. Don't be a line cutter or blocker: Let those few: All important TT drivers be the douchebags by cutting into lines...

14) Treat all racers with respect regardless of class. They all have the same rights to the course and worked just as hard regardless if their program is worth $5K or $5M.

15) Racing is a privilege: Don't cheat or shortcourse and don't put racing jeopardy with chessedick moves or farked up attitudes. The sport is living by a string and a lot of eyes are on us. Don't be the guy that fucks it up!

16) ALL: Never spectate or pit in a corner. Never cross the course in dust. Never pass in a blind corner. Always stay back 150' (CA rule). Be aware of where you are a always watch down course.

17) Learn to correctly use the radio and radio etiquette. If you don't know it call PCI and ask them or your supplier. Every class has that guy, calling out every mile marker and rock they just missed; don't be that guy as: They are Dickheads! Unless you legally applied for a frequency you do not own it. Share like mama taught you and let everyone have their time. Thanks to the Weatherman for bringing modern comms and nav into the sport, now let's make him proud by using it correctly... Back in the early days we had no GPS and the first car I raced had a CB. We ran off arrows and ribbon and 95% of us didn't have the time, vehicle or money to prerun whether it was Barstow, Vegas or Baja. Checks used stub cans and confirming a winner took hours/days, and if you broke... Google "Stuck Stub". Be thankful for the advances but realize it's not all about you.

I know it's a lot to learn and some will balk or laugh at these stupid unwritten/common sense rules. If you do you may be part of the problem and likely a Dick Head...

I tried to explain the racing history/etiquette deal to you guys when we had the car Queen Farked up (finally got that off my chest in public) and were planning to be a UTV racers. I noticed in watching the forums back then, that there seemed to be a disconnect with a lot of the UTV racers from the core of the car classes. I was coming from a different place than a majority of the UTV racers having raced buggies and trucks for 25ish yrs (50+% was in single seaters). I was very vocal that I thought the segregation of the UTV's from the car guys created a rub, and that the UTV guys didn't get some of the sport the way the regular classes got it due to that separation. I heard and received a lot of": That's old school or UTV's are different and it's a new era as well as a bunch of other unknowing millennial type comments. I also received a few thanks but regardless it's obvious some of these secrets need to be passed on again. Hope it helps a few...
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I don't agree with this one.

2) If there is a line of cars a bottleneck, never cut out of line move up the side and then try to cut back in further up. This is referred to as a "Dickhead Move". One the faster cars ,will catch you and they will rightly punish you and you deserve it. If there is a car in front of you that may have a harder time up the obstacle, have your co dog hop out and nicely ask if you can go around and explain it, most will be cool but it's their call... If you get out of line and try a different line good on you, if you don't make it, it's up to the line to maybe let you back in where you were...
In racing I feel you should take advantage of every situation. Remove the legally of it, if your sitting in traffic on the freeway and its bumper to bumper I for sure you would drive off the road and into the brush, I would find my way around it. Is that wrong? Its illegal but its not wrong. I chose to drive a truck, with big tires and so on. If you chose to drive a car and cant so the same thing your at a disadvantage.
3g) IMHO these small square cornered cheesdick bumpers a lot of the UTV guys have were or are: 1) Illegal per the rules in both SCORE/BITD 2) The owners can't bend a tube and can only cut 45* angles so they suck. 3) the owners if requesting them made that was are asshats because they are making a point by building a bumper designed to inflict damage... I'd be more than happy to explain this to you personally if necessary.

Please explain. Per the rules tube ends must be capped, designed in a way so that cars can not hook together. Which make a square bumper perfect. Nothing to hook, no open tube ends, and nothing to damage another car.

No hazardous front or rear bumpers, nerf bars, frame heads or other protruding objects from
are permitted. Ends must be capped and rounded to prevent any sharp edges. Bumpers
and nerf bars must be designed in a way as to reasonably inhibit two vehicles from becoming
locked together. A safe front and rear bumper is required on all vehicles. De
sign of front and rear
bumpers may be specified in some restricted classes.
Rusty: IMHO and most peoples; if you go in the dirt only and with the intent to cut back in 200' up into the same line, it's a douche bag move. Just as it is if a dilhole pulls out of the lane in bumper to bumper traffic onto the shoulder for 200' and then forces his way back in. Do what you want but when a racer is in a single file line at say at the summit and there are 40 cars in line waiting in the order they came. Then some dillhole that gets there 41st cuts right and drives around 26 guys and shoves his way in a small gap while a guy is watching and waiting: That guys is a total DICKHEAD!

I'll give a you a few examples: 2005 Baja 500 we were in a 16 car and 2 cars in our class tangled and both cars rolled on the road blocking it entirely: Cliff on one side, road and a nasty brushy no line hill on left were the terrain, no other lines. We get there and it's 10 cars deep with 2-3 different classes all bottled up and no where to go and everyone is picking their nose. We are back around the curve and can see it, but a guy walks up and tells us what's happening and everyones okay and in fact one of the cars is a buddy of ours. We look at the hill, I bail out and start climbing and an SS 2 cars in front of car sees me and turns and starts to go for it. I run down, bail into the car and we choose to bushwack the hill and literally drove up one side and over the other and never saw the wreck. Thankfully it was the olden days before trackers and VCP's... Dropped back on the road maybe 300 yds around the bend and were 2nd on the road in 1600 behind Rob Mac and Danny Anderson. That is taking advantage of a situation and being creative. If we pulled up, drove on the edge and pushed our way around 10 cars and then got back in line it would have been "DICKHEADERY"...

Last: My wife was at the Summit in '13 at the 500 when a few UTV's decided to cut around the line and get back in. She was in back as we were a sportsman car and had an ignition switch failure that put us down about 80 mins at RM 120ish. Ironically when she arrived they watched the lead car in class crest bottleneck then a number of other cars really farked it up but now she knows she is close. Back to the story... She watched the UTV's a ways up get out of line and 3 or 4 bushwack it and then all turn and cut back in and both her and John her co actually said: "What Dicks!". An hour plus later they went over without a miss and they caught a few UTV's before Borrego and I'll bet a few of them were the "Dickheads" that cut in. Cam Steele was in his TT and was the car behind her and walked up and asked if anyone tried the line to the side and she said not that she saw. He asked if he tried and couldn't make it, if she would let him back in and did the same with the 2 cars behind him. He tried and got stuck, came back and when he pulled up they let him back in. He had a TT and didn't play the I'm better than you card. Funny part is 2-3 people told her to watch out for the Summit and the Summit is gnarly and we for fun off the PCI GPS plot so she hadn't prerun. On the way down she asks her co driver: "When's this summit coming up? " John laughed and told her the blue thing down there is the Sea of Cortez and it was that thing she cruised right up. I guess all those years racing a class 11 stockish-very limited old style VW beetle (for those that don't know what a class 11 is in everything but BITD) helped.

We can agree to disagree on this but when I was, and if I was still racing: If I saw that and caught the guy I'd have a little fun at his expense and did many times. I believe in taking any legit advantage you can and I pushed the envelope as that is what racers do. I did and still do however, have a very low tolerance for liars and dickheads...


Jim: per the rules you just copied: "Ends must be capped and rounded to prevent any sharp edges." A 90* angle where a tube is cut and 2-45* angles come together, is the definition of a corner or a square and that is not "rounded".

Before fashion took over and one guy did it, most bumpers were designed to allow vehicles to protect their front end parts and give a shove if necessary. Now it seems they are designed with sharp corners and little or no thought is given on protecting more than a few lights, or what would happen to a car that they hit. Maybe it's the proverbial: It's all about me and Fuck it as long as I'm having a good time (look up the MDR CA 200 accident and see how far that mentality got us).

History lesson: Years ago a lot of limited class cars used old torsion leafs or angle iron as cutters on their rear bumpers for protection and that was when speeds weren't as drastically different with the classes as they are now. A few bangers decided it was a good way to stop having to replace front bumpers so they started putting them on their front bumpers. This inflicted a lot of damage on those they hit so they were outlawed. A few of us limited class guys actually taped our spare oil bottles or maybe a few beverage cans on the back bumper as it was the only place it fit. these things in our little cars :rolleyes:. That seemed to lesson the amount of nerfs for some reason...
Jim: I'll add these little square bumpers are only designed to do damage and actually can lock into or get into small spaces at components easier than a wider curved flatter tube the width of say a hood.
Just a bystander here and not picking sides but I have two comments.

If the bumper you are describing (and don't like) passes tech, isn't it then legal and OK? Aren't they the final call on that ruling? It seems like they have been in use for at least two seasons in at least two series. Just wondering.

Next, I agree that cutting in a line is not a cool choice, however going around a bottleneck because you have all wheel drive is and should be a benefit to that class. If that route (bushwacking) around a bottle neck takes and entry outside of the rules of following the course or missing a VCP then that should be reviewed but those that can see the real trackers and penalties should be assessed.

This is one reason why I think all tracking info should be made available to those that paid their entry. At least the would put an end to this guy or that guy short cut or worse yet, he never passed me on the course.

At the Baja 500 in 2009 I raced a SXS and used my AWD to drive around a pack of cars that were stuck on a silt hill before K77. I did not cut in line at the bottom but I did drive around all that were stuck on the hill attempting to make it up and I never drove through the bushes either. AWD winner right there!
Last: My wife was at the Summit in '13 at the 500 when a few UTV's decided to cut around the line and get back in. She was in back as we were a sportsman car and had an ignition switch failure that put us down about 80 mins at RM 120ish. Ironically when she arrived they watched the lead car in class crest bottleneck then a number of other cars really farked it up but now she knows she is close. Back to the story... She watched the UTV's a ways up get out of line and 3 or 4 bushwack it and then all turn and cut back in and both her and John her co actually said: "What Dicks!". An hour plus later they went over without a miss and they caught a few UTV's before Borrego and I'll bet a few of them were the "Dickheads" that cut in. Cam Steele was in his TT and was the car behind her and walked up and asked if anyone tried the line to the side and she said not that she saw. He asked if he tried and couldn't make it, if she would let him back in and did the same with the 2 cars behind him. He tried and got stuck, came back and when he pulled up they let him back in. He had a TT and didn't play the I'm better than you card. Funny part is 2-3 people told her to watch out for the Summit and the Summit is gnarly and we for fun off the PCI GPS plot so she hadn't prerun. On the way down she asks her co driver: "When's this summit coming up? " John laughed and told her the blue thing down there is the Sea of Cortez and it was that thing she cruised right up. I guess all those years racing a class 11 stockish-very limited old style VW beetle (for those that don't know what a class 11 is in everything but BITD) helped.

I agree, if you leave the line and cut in your a dick. If they are cutting in and you let them...... its on you. Racing is a game of chess. If I roll up to a bottle neck I am for sure going to try to advance. If I am forced to donkey the bushes and shrubs to advance I would.

Now I will add if I am racing for last place in my class I am not trying any bullshit. If I am racing for the lead, I am doing everything I can to win without getting caught breaking the rules or risking peoples safety.
As I mentioned I have no issue with cutting around and going up an obstacle. I do think it's a BS move to cut around the line and push back in to get a better spot. I know there are certain "Godlike" qualities some of you have (or believe you do) and it's up to you how you want to be viewed; but the majority will say, it's a Dickhead move. Keep in mind there will be a fast guy that catches you as will Karma and it'll be a bitch...

As Art (RIP) and other tech inspectors have always stated: Prerace tech by the Associations is for safety only. IMHO they should be looking for glaring details and rules infractions, but they don't. It's up to the competitors to say something because as you all know: They are worthless at even enforcing their own event rules. In Jeepspeed and TL that have their own class tech on top of the association just as the UTV class does: They will call out infractions that don't conform to their or the general rules (or at least they used to) and if they do not present any advantage, they allow them for that event.

A glaring example of Tech inefficiency/stupidity: Another poster on this site was part of a very successful Baja & BITD winning class 7S (limited mini truck) team. That class had very strict suspension and driveline rules and many people pushed them and cheated. They and others complained about a specific truck who was warned about non compliance to class rules for a few races it won and every time it showed the orgs allowed it to race. Finally a few teams got together and approached the org who was letting it happen despite their own warnings after prerace tech, where it once again was illegal to the class rules. With their push when the cars lined up in staging the illegal truck was pulled out of line and placed in 7 open. Yes, there were class comp rules but they always let them slide and did safety tech like always and never looked at the class stuff.

I can spend hours telling stories of post race techs where the inspectors didn't even know the rules there were supposed to enforce for the classes or the process... The bottom line is, unless you have a spec class with inspectors doing their own class things: The orgs just don't enforce the rules like they used to.

And then in a lot of cases they become selective, plus special interests play a huge part in this sport so things pass. They used to do more on class compliance at pre and post race tech, but back then they also had less classes and class reps & CRB's where you could appeal rules, infractions and basic stupidity...
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Jim: I'll add these little square bumpers are only designed to do damage and actually can lock into or get into small spaces at components easier than a wider curved flatter tube the width of say a hood.

I cant speak for others in this class....But I can guarantee our "square corner cheese dick" bumper isnt built to inflict injury. And it sure isnt because "we" cant fab something different. In an xp1000 you only had so much real estate to build a bumper that does not interfere with the fascia removal, does not require you to cut and mangle the front end, or does not require bolt on removable parts. Its built so that there is no possible way for it to attach itself to a rear bumper upon impact. It has no sharp edges. In fact its pretty blunt. And if used much it is going to fold up. It was used at the UTV WC and had to be cut off and replaced after that race. A wide bumper can inflict just as much damage if not more as a small bumper if not used properly.
I cant speak for others in this class....But I can guarantee our "square corner cheese dick" bumper isnt built to inflict injury. And it sure isnt because "we" cant fab something different. In an xp1000 you only had so much real estate to build a bumper that does not interfere with the fascia removal, does not require you to cut and mangle the front end, or does not require bolt on removable parts. Its built so that there is no possible way for it to attach itself to a rear bumper upon impact. It has no sharp edges. In fact its pretty blunt. And if used much it is going to fold up. It was used at the UTV WC and had to be cut off and replaced after that race. A wide bumper can inflict just as much damage if not more as a small bumper if not used properly.

Jim: You guys are very successful, have a solid program, are true competitors, bulid/fab winning cars and I acknowledge that fact!

However... A smaller bumper WILL cause more damage than a large flat one. It's a fact that a 10-12" square with corners WILL get in places a larger/flatter bumper can not. And that smaller one focuses the impact over a smaller area as opposed to across more surface or multiple tubes... What is the name of your bumper again?

Search Trophy Truck, UTV, Class 1 or 10 or the probably the biggest bump and run class in the sport: 1-2 1600 (half 1600). You'll note almost all the bumpers are wider and rounded and the TT guys are another animal but even there, a majority of the teams are trying to protect the parts so they are going with a bumper to mount the glass and a push bar.

The reasoning of space doesn't work, again my opinion: As other guys have figured it out and managed to make a wider bumper in the same space. Here are a few examples across a number of classes and note most have bends which require a tubing bender ;).

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Yes, Stuck stubs are still being used by bikes and I think in Parker '12 or 14 we still got one in our packet from BITD.

It was to simply illustrate how far technology and comms has come.
I think you could have included NEVER nerf a car smaller than you. I agree it makes sense for Class 11 to be protected as you stated....any hit will likely inflict damage and is a dickhead move. A truck, jeepspeed, or other larger vehicle than a UTV is also vulnerable as proven by the numbers of utvs that have been wrecked by other classes and is also equally a dickhead move...imo. Not to mention BITD has a fucking written rule that clearing states excessive nerfing is subject to DQ. Please translate this for me as my English comprehension is apparently obsolete.
Imo if a guy rabbits after you give him legit chances, you can educate him of his indiscretion w/o damaging him if you know what you are doing. But I agree, to smack a lower class car because you are frustrated is stupid. But never an 11...

We were leading Parker or very close on time when TSCO who was over 90 mins down racing hard for 21st in TT, slammed my wife who's co dog was waiving and they were moving over. Dickhead move...
I think you could have included NEVER nerf a car smaller than you. I agree it makes sense for Class 11 to be protected as you stated....any hit will likely inflict damage and is a dickhead move. A truck, jeepspeed, or other larger vehicle than a UTV is also vulnerable as proven by the numbers of utvs that have been wrecked by other classes and is also equally a dickhead move...imo. Not to mention BITD has a fucking written rule that clearing states excessive nerfing is subject to DQ. Please translate this for me as my English comprehension is apparently obsolete.

George rules arent always black and white....Just like in the real usually have to prove that an individual is guilty....In our got us put on probation because you pissed and moaned loud enough...Making us look like we pulled a dickhead move.......luckily for us we had proof Via gopro footage of multiple different successful bumps including yours and made your claims invalid. Even though everyone calls any contact a "nerf" thats not what Mr. Folks deemed as a "nerf"

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