Cyndirs Mountain 100 Race in Flagstaff, AZ



8/6 - 8/8 2010


About the


Conditions beyond our control caused the Forest Service to close THE WORLDS WORST ROAD!

For those of you who have not enjoyed the RUTTED, ROUGH, POTHOLED undeclared DISASTER AREA section of Forest Road 776 that connects Hwy 89 to our pit area / race headquarters in years past, you will not enjoy the GLEE I'm about to share with you. For those of you who have, check this out!!!

For this race, we will use the SUNSET CRATER access road (F.S. road 545) that is about 3½ miles North of the usual Cinders Entrance. The road is SMOOOOOOOTH and PAVED. The Forest Service people that man the pay station about 2 miles from Hwy 89 will let you pass at NO CHARGE if you tell them you are headed to our race. Drive another 41/2 miles to the North end of F.S. Road 776 and turn right on the dirt road.

Our Race HQ will be about ½ mile up 776.


There is NO CAMPING ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF 776 and YOU HAVE TO STAY OUT of the SUNSET CRATER PARK with your OHV's. We are only being allowed to use that road for access to our race. If you want to visit the park you will need to pay the fees associated with it.

Camp fires will be OK but PUT THEM OUT COMPLETELY when leaving your camp area, if you can'tDON'T LIGHT THEM.

Click Below for the Weekends Schedule! Races/cinders poster 2010 8X11.jpg
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<div>All youth riders and their families are invited to join Team RFJ at the "Racing for Jesus" trailer 30 minutes prior to the Rider's meeting on Saturday morning for our Team RFJ Youth Bible Study. We hope to see all of you there and may the Lord bless and protect all racers, crew, staff, volunteers, and spectators.</div>
<div><font style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><strong><u>
<div>Attention all Whiplash Youth Racers... You have a chance to win a pair of O'NEAL Riding Boots, courtesy of First Kick Motorsports!!!<br /></div></u></strong></font></div>
<div><img height="250" border="0" width="240" contenteditable="false" src="" align="right">All registered youth racers who attend the award ceremonies on Saturday will have a chance to win a pair of O'NEAL Riding Boots! To be eligible, you must be registered in one of the Whiplash youth classes at the Cinder Mountain 100, and be present at the youth awards. A pair of O'Neal Riding Boots will be raffled at the end of the youth award ceremony on Saturday. Stick around to cheer on your fellow racers during the award ceremony and get a chance to win a cool prize. With continued generous donations from Team RFJ supporters, and sponsors like First Kick Motorsports, we hope to raffle a great prize at the end of each youth award ceremony at all Whiplash events.</img></div>
<div><br />A big "Thank You" to the Cinder Mountain 100 awards sponsor, First Kick Motorsports.&nbsp; <br /></div>
<div>Team RFJ would again like to recognize and thank K&T Equipment and NVS Racing for sponsoring the Prescott awards.<br /></div></div></div></div></font></td></tr></table>

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<div>Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to seeing you at the study!</div>
<div><br />Sincerely,</div>
<div>Team RFJ
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