Cook Off-Road Racing Finishes BITD Vegas to Reno


Official UTVUnderground Sponsor
Contact: Papaian Enterprises
Marketing For
Black Rhino/Paramount Motorsports
Tel.: 951-805-1017


“Cook Off-Road Racing Finishes BITD Vegas to Renoâ€

8/23/12 El Cajon, CA - The racing adventure known as Vegas 2 Reno startedlast Wednesday when the team of Cook Off-Road Racing made the long trek toVegas. Upon their arrival in Vegas the team was hit with 111 degree temps, alittle warm to say the least. They made their way to the hotel and cooled offand prepared for the next day.

Thursday morning came and the team grouped at the Aliante Hotel fortech and registration. The Black Rhino trailer was set up right on tech roadfor all to see giving our promo guy Ron Pahlegyi a place to spread the wordabout the Black Rhino contingency program as well as providing a place to comeand cool off under the Torco Motor Oils tent. The Cook Off Road Racing #1930RZR XP 4 was experiencing a little radio problem but Nick from Rugged RaceProducts had them sounding good in no time. The team got the #1930 into thetech line and made their way to the UTV tech; everything was pretty straightforward from there. Cory gave the car the once over and before they knew itthey were back under the tent.

Race morning came very early; theteam left Las Vegas for the trip to Beatty at about 0230. They made it toBeatty with time to spare. As the sun started to rise Sean Cook and hisco-driver Tammy Faulkner suited up and strapped themselves into the #1930 andprepared for the ride of their lives. The #1930 left the line at 0652 in the 7thposition. As they drove into the sunrise and before they knew it there was aUTV out on the side of the road. They continued their pace onto CP1. They drovethe #1930 very conservatively because they knew they had a long way to go.Things were pretty uneventful until about mm40; they were in dark silt andcould not see a thing. Cook said he saw an access road to his left so he veeredonto it, at last some clean air. As they zoomed down the road Cook was lookingto his right when his co-driver let out a shriek....Cook turned forward andrealized why no one else was on the same road, it ended and very abruptly. Theyhit the 2 bumps at the end of the road very hard but the #1930 soaked it up andthey we were off again. As they made their way through the dust they came upon ayoung man trying to ironman the race on his quad. When they saw


him they only hadabout 5 feet to react. Cook stated, “I veered to the left but my right rearwheel hit his quad and bounced over his front tire.†They did not know untilafter the race that their race partner and good friend Dennis Jean was not asfortunate to react. He hit the young man causing some back injuries. Dennisstopped and stayed with him until help arrived. Sean and Tammy ranthe #1930 RZR XP until CP5 at which point they stopped for fuel and turned thedriving over to Sean’s two sons Colton and Brendan. They drove the #1930 forthe next 200 miles, experiencing two flat tires but still managing to get thecar to Sean and Tammy to finish. At CP12 they got back into the car and headedout into the hills of Hawthorne, this is where their journey really getsexciting. They were sharing the course with trophy trucks and buggies. Wheneverthey saw lights approaching they pulled off the course and started flashing theirwhite rear facing Rigid Lights to let them know they were there and not to hit them. Great successwith the lights, no one touched them. At about CP13 they were really startingto feel confident about their chances of finishing and that’s when they doveinto that famous Nevada SILT, so deep they submerged the car up to the hood. Itwas like a wave of dirt coming over their hood and into their laps and openface masks. Amazingly the #1930 RZR XP never missed a beat; they kept thehammer down and were able to drive through without getting stuck. All this timethey knew they had a few UTV's ahead of them but they stuck to their game planand stayed smooth and steady. As they came to the last CP 15 their crew metthem for one last splash of fuel and drinks, they said “goodbye we'll see youat the finishâ€. As they left CP15 the ride was pretty smooth but as theystarted up the mountain for the last 40 miles they realized Casey had a realsense of humor. The road up the mountain was as nasty as anything they had everexperienced, rocks, rocks, and more rocks all the way to the summit. As the #1930RZR XP crested the summit and they regained communications with the team, theycould see the lights of Dayton. Sean stated, “I think if we hadn't been socrusted over from the silt we probably would have been crying tears of joy.†Ittook everything they had left to guide the #1930 RZR XP down the mountain and across the finishline.


The team was waitingat the finish line excited as could be for their successful finish. CookOff-Road Racing could not have come close to pulling this feat off without thesupport of all our sponsors and friends; we would like to thank the following: Black Rhino, Tim andBones @ OMF Wheels, Craig Scanlon @ Polaris Industries, Taylor and Damon @Rigid Industries, Ernie @ Torco Motor Oils, Nick and Greg @ Rugged RaceProducts, Scott and Heather@ Maxxis Tires, Jim Day @ Optima Batteries, Justinand the crew from Cognito Motor Sports, Rob and Murray @ Muzzys Exhaust, Alexand the crew @ Cal Hot Coating, Fox Shocks, David @ D & D Graphics, PinkDivas Apparel, Neil @ Grant wheels, Steve @ Griffin Radiators, Gunk, Joe andthe crew @ 4 Wheel Parts (Modesto), Tony and the crew @ Les Schwab Tires(Escalon), Zamped Helmets, 4130 Clothing, Thad at Fabworcs, David’s RacingProducts. The Crew: Jeff Correia (CrewChief), Gina Buzzini-Cook (Pit Manager), Tammy and Dan Faulkner, The littleFaulkners, Toni Latronica, Jim and Todd Latronica, Dee and Baily, Colton andBrendan, Ron Pahlegyi, Dennis Jean and everyone else who pitched in along theway.....See everyone in Parker.Thanks To All, Sean CookCook Off-Road RacingBITD #1930Unofficial ResultsOverallPosition- 8th
ClassPosition- 7th
Time On Course-16:09:28.783


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Drivers needing helpwith logistics or more info can contact Kenny Osborn at 619-561-5000 or emailhim at .For moreinformation, please contact Papaian Enterprises, Marketing for Black Rhino at951-805-1017 or email .

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