Congratulations to Jon Crowley, new ASA Board Member


Paramount Motorsports / Black Rhino - UTVUndergrou
Congratulations Jon, without a doubt you will be a huge asset to the ASA. The entire off road community will benefit immensely from you stepping up and taking on this responsibility. :D

Thank you
Hey Jon,
From all of us here @ Black Rhino
And thanks for all that you do to support our sport and the businesses that serve it.
Wow Jon.
Seems like just yesterday were at the Mountain talking about the direction things were going...and now you have stepped into a position to make a difference. Thank you for making the commitment, thank you for the work you will do, and may you have the good fortune you deserve for putting your heart and mind into something you so obviously care deeply about.
I am still around and the numbers have not changed if you need me for anything I can do.
Thanks guys. Keeping off-road area open is real important to me. Just trying to do my part to help where I can.
Wow congrats I have seen you around on forums for years and know from reading your posts that this is a good thing for all of us that enjoy playing off road. Thanks for your dedication it is appreciated.
Thanx for stepping up Jon ...congratulations .....let us know how we at can network with you.....Lance

...sent with TapaTalk...please excuse brevity & no smileys
I meant to post the official release from the ASA but forgot to do it before leaving for Baja.

Jon is a huge asset to our community. Thanks for all you do Crowdog

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