Class 9 vs UTV challenge (no excuses Joey)

Great point Matt! The guy offering up the 2500 should pay a 9 car racer to enter a BITD race.
Honestly, I don't get this challenge. We (the UTV community) races the top two desert racing series in the northern hemisphere and somehow some 35 year old class wants to challenge us in a 'B-level' (yes I said that) racing series? Negative! If they want to play, simply come out to a BITD or SCORE event and show us how fast they are. Class 9 is more fit for NORRA than SCORE. We have been hammered for YEARS as being 'golf carts' and not worthy. But we are getting faster, the finishing rate is amazing as of late, and our entries continue to grow. Typically we are one on the top three classes in terms of entries. I am very proud to say I am a UTV dork and don't need to cow down to a class that has 8" of front travel, 10" of rear 'swing axle' travel and produces something like 70 hp. WTF? My fear is that some UTV that is not representative of our speed in BITD and SCORE, takes this challenge, and make us look like a joke to the desert racing community. Sorry about the rant, but I like others hate people continually bagging our awesome, growing class and community. Viva Utes! :D

Well said !!
I can appreciate SNORE wanting us to race in their series. I know that BAP and RATR are fun races and I don't doubt for one second UTV teams would LOVE to compete there and have fun. Whats funny to me is that these Class 9 guys act like we have something to prove against them, or better yet, like they have something to prove against us.

They dismiss our Baja 1000 times as laughable because its a long race with downtime. Oh I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about DESERT RACING here!? lol Pretty lame. I wish a few of our top teams would go just to spank them but at the same time I could care less at this point. It seems we would be met with excuses anyway after a UTV won. Pointless..
I can appreciate SNORE wanting us to race in their series. I know that BAP and RATR are fun races and I don't doubt for one second UTV teams would LOVE to compete there and have fun. Whats funny to me is that these Class 9 guys act like we have something to prove against them, or better yet, like they have something to prove against us.

They dismiss our Baja 1000 times as laughable because its a long race with downtime. Oh I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about DESERT RACING here!? lol Pretty lame. I wish a few of our top teams would go just to spank them but at the same time I could care less at this point. It seems we would be met with excuses anyway after a UTV won. Pointless..

Cognito just needs to send a car and the back up driver (me:p) to shut these guys up and take their coin!
Honestly, I don't get this challenge. We (the UTV community) races the top two desert racing series in the northern hemisphere and somehow some 35 year old class wants to challenge us in a 'B-level' (yes I said that) racing series? Negative! If they want to play, simply come out to a BITD or SCORE event and show us how fast they are. Class 9 is more fit for NORRA than SCORE. We have been hammered for YEARS as being 'golf carts' and not worthy. But we are getting faster, the finishing rate is amazing as of late, and our entries continue to grow. Typically we are one on the top three classes in terms of entries. I am very proud to say I am a UTV dork and don't need to cow down to a class that has 8" of front travel, 10" of rear 'swing axle' travel and produces something like 70 hp. WTF? My fear is that some UTV that is not representative of our speed in BITD and SCORE, takes this challenge, and make us look like a joke to the desert racing community. Sorry about the rant, but I like others hate people continually bagging our awesome, growing class and community. Viva Utes! :D

Golf clap :D
Honestly, I don't get this challenge. We (the UTV community) races the top two desert racing series in the northern hemisphere and somehow some 35 year old class wants to challenge us in a 'B-level' (yes I said that) racing series? Negative! If they want to play, simply come out to a BITD or SCORE event and show us how fast they are. Class 9 is more fit for NORRA than SCORE. We have been hammered for YEARS as being 'golf carts' and not worthy. But we are getting faster, the finishing rate is amazing as of late, and our entries continue to grow. Typically we are one on the top three classes in terms of entries. I am very proud to say I am a UTV dork and don't need to cow down to a class that has 8" of front travel, 10" of rear 'swing axle' travel and produces something like 70 hp. WTF? My fear is that some UTV that is not representative of our speed in BITD and SCORE, takes this challenge, and make us look like a joke to the desert racing community. Sorry about the rant, but I like others hate people continually bagging our awesome, growing class and community. Viva Utes! :D
You guys have awesome car counts in BITD and SCORE. The UTV class in SNORE doesnt. Its economics. SNORE wants some of that juicy golf kart money and is trying to bait you into racing with them by offering up a pretty sweet prize package. It has nothing to do with the nine cars. They didnt put this together. SNORE did.

Personally I would love for you guys to send over a ringer driver and ace this race on both days. I realize that beating a nine car (which are actually fairly capable on this course) wouldnt be much to brag about but some of the dudes saying ya can't are the kinds of guys I love to see proven wrong.

In any event, it is a sweet prize, and surely not that hard to take home and the SNORE events Rage at the river and battle at primm are some of the raddest most fun stateside races that there are. Hopefully some of can make it and if ya can, please whoop up on these guys. Honestly if you guys can get enough peeps to race your class at these two races you will see what coolevents they are. But the competition isnt there yet and obviously SNORE wants that to change. Theyre races are well run and while they arent on the same level as SCORE or BITD they are much cheaper and they do a good job.

Also, since the races arent really mixed and are run in short heats theres no worry of getting pounded by lap traffic that has twice your weight AND this would be a great place to compare lap times since there is a heat format also. Right?

And FWIW, you guys have earned my respect but Im still gonna make golf jokes.:D
Dan 200, we used to get pissed at being called 'golf carts' and now we embrace it. Eg...see what Brian Bush did a couple of posts ago. JX Bill Schueler got on the WM channel and asked for some status of the top five 1900 cars. In typical fashion Weatherman acted annoyed and said he would get back to him when he had the time. Bill told him to 'hurry up, we have a tee time in La Paz.' Haha
Dan 200, we used to get pissed at being called 'golf carts' and now we embrace it. Eg...see what Brian Bush did a couple of posts ago. JX Bill Schueler got on the WM channel and asked for some status of the top five 1900 cars. In typical fashion Weatherman acted annoyed and said he would get back to him when he had the time. Bill told him to 'hurry up, we have a tee time in La Paz.' Haha
I had the unfortunate experience of meeting a guy who is not onboard with the portion of you who embrace the whole "golf kart" nick name (which I see as a term of endearment).

In his defense, he was already rightfully upset about a matter totally unrelated to any of my ribbing and I chalked it up to bad timing being that things were already very tense and I certainly was not meeting the guy under ideal circumstances.
Love you Dan.. I caused much of the shit over on RDC because I mistook the OP as a 9 racer or a rep of the 9 class or something. I took it as a Class 9 challenging a UTV in which case I was immediately turned off.

Now I realize that was SNORE who actually started the challenge in which case I am still a bit confused. If you want the UTV car counts then come here and offer up a solid contingency / cash prize to the UTV winner. But don't pit us against small buggy class.
Love you Dan.. I caused much of the shit over on RDC because I mistook the OP as a 9 racer or a rep of the 9 class or something. I took it as a Class 9 challenging a UTV in which case I was immediately turned off.

Now I realize that was SNORE who actually started the challenge in which case I am still a bit confused. If you want the UTV car counts then come here and offer up a solid contingency / cash prize to the UTV winner. But don't pit us against small buggy class.
I get that it was a misunderstanding. No biggie. I did assume ya knew who Kenny, the OP over there, was though...

I know you guys have serious car counts in BITD and I consider BITD a big series with BIG racers. Stateside it would be difficult to make a case saying they aren't the big show. I remember the mint having all that factory support stuff at the pits and the (later corrected) penalty shiz show that followed it. I know that the Mint has a huge turnout because its a pretty prestigious event compared to say Silverstate or Henderson and that all classes, including you guys, show up in force for that event. (for you guys who dont know me, I am at basically every stateside offroad race [desert and short course] there is for the last three years as a parts vendor and I have crewed for 1600 cars all the way up to trophy trucks here in the states and in Baja for even longer. Suffice to say, I am around a lot of racing.

Now when I see you guys have almost 50 teams with point standing in the BITD points I am wondering why there is only 5 UTV teams listed in the SNORE points. I know that BITD has the best of you guys running with them and that thats where the competition is and competition is what a racer wants BUT, it still seems to me that an org like SNORE with obviously less competition but way cheaper entry fees would draw more of you guys who arent front runners over there to be able to cost effectively hone your skills at less expense and apply the savings to your program/vehicle/misc equipment so that you could then "graduate" to a series like BITD and be more competitive.

I dont have a stake in SNORE and I only go to Rage and BAP with the sales trailer because those have awesome car counts and the ROI for the SDHQ vendor program merits our showing up at those. But when i did crew for a SNORe team and did retreival at their races I always had a good time and while they arent what they used to be it IMO is still a good series especially for budget racers. So why do so few of ya race with them?
IMO, the best way for SNORE to grow in the UTV class is to cater to the weekend warrior. If the heats are run as you say by ourselves without bigger cars, then lighten the build requirements. (bolt-on cages, no fuel cells). Make it more affordable to build cars and more people will race.
AVE racing has decent car counts with these builds but with only one racing location and now going to mexico, that series doesn't appeal to me.
SNORE trying to get the big UTV teams to show up and race would be like them trying to recruit Robby Gordon to show up and race
SNORE trying to get the big UTV teams to show up and race would be like them trying to recruit Robby Gordon to show up and race
Did you seriously just compare the importance of a racing superstar like RG to whoever is the big shot UTV guy?
IMO, the best way for SNORE to grow in the UTV class is to cater to the weekend warrior. If the heats are run as you say by ourselves without bigger cars, then lighten the build requirements. (bolt-on cages, no fuel cells). Make it more affordable to build cars and more people will race.
At RATR and BAP the laps are like 12-14 miles long and the races are heat formatted. If a class has enough entries they run by themselves generally. If there is not enough entries to merit them running alone then they share the course with vehicles of similar weight and speed.

I have known SNORE to be pretty good at accommodating the desires of a class. Actually they are great at it. I believe with a good class rep to speak on behalf of the group, that SNORE would be willing to modify the rules to boost entries and that doing so would not take an act of god either. In the bigger orgs its not as easy.

The fuel cell deal would likely be an issue though. Thats an insurance thing.

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