California city for buggy bash?


UTVUnderground La-Familia
Hey guys the buggy guys were wondering if La Familia would be willing to go to california city for the bash this year?
I've never been up there but Jojano goes all the time, this is the place that you buy the pass to be able to drive around town and all over the place

no dates are picked out yet
No date but how about time frame? I think you do this real close to to Turkey day and that is tough. Pick a day don't make it too close to turkey day so more can come. Also how about a link to the location where ca city is at.
no we did not go to calico but i would like to go there. Is there a lot of riding for the buggies? sounded like a lot of intense riding?
I've camped at Calico many times, and there are a lot of cool trails and mines to play in!! I've always wanted to to the Odessa trail; Pretty technical looking
Cal City Boys & Girls!!! Awesome place to ride, we go there 5 to 6 times a year. We ride into Jawbone store (22mi ride one way) have a beer and a berger and watch the band play awhile then move on. You can ride into Ransberg the old living goast town (people still live there) check out the town have lunch and move on.......Lots of destinations to see check out "Friends of Jawbone Map"
No problem parking lots of wide open space, there is a vendor area at Borax Bill ranger station. We have been going there about 7yrs.....Home for us.

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