cage certification?


New Member
Hi, I'm new to the UTV racing world and was wondering if a cage needs to be certified or log booked like rally car cages are or if the local tech inspector has a good enough call. And if the tech inspector is the judge, is there any cage cert. for them?

Thanks, Gonzo.
If you are looking to race Score International, then Yes your chassis needs to be tagged. Contact Score and they can schedule you a date to get your chassis tagged. No other series requires this, but they will check design & craftsmanship at tech prior to the event.
As stated above SCORE, as well as WORCS, BITD, LUCAS, and many of the other series have different tech guys that look over cage design, quality of craftsmanship, safety stuff like harnesses, suits, window nets and etc. The best thing you can do is decide what series or races you will be doing and build your car to suit.. Make sure and check the series rulebooks as most of them are different and keep up on the changes that develop between races as well. I always stress people on having fire ext. and a nice size number as well because sometimes transponder/timing devices have issues.

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