BRC Commends 112th Congress for Addressing TMR Related Closures

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
If your Representative in the House is NOT a cosponsor of this Legislation, no matter what State you live in, you should urge them to do so.

This could have National implications if there is enough Out-of-State backing!!!

The TMR will be coming to a National Forest near you soon if it hasn't already.



Contact: Don Amador
Phone: 925.625.6287
Date: January 7, 2011

BRC Commends 112th Congress for Addressing TMR Related Closures

WASHINGTON DC (January 7)--A national trail-based recreation group commends legislation that was introduced today to clarify the implementation and enforcement of Travel Management in California. This bill was introduced by Congressman Wally Herger and is cosponsored by Congressmen Tom McClintock, Kevin McCarthy, and Dan Lungren.

This bill will restrict funds for Forest Service implementation of Subpart B of its Travel Management Rule (TMR) until the agency has performed the project-level review under the Rule. The bill also addresses the very contentious issue of the Forest Service banning OHV use on dirt-covered and roughly graded logging roads in rural sections of the state.

Don Amador, Western Representative for the BlueRibbon Coalition, states, "I feel this legislation has been proposed in direct response to complaints from his constituents who have been locked out of federal timber lands by the misapplication of the Travel Management Rule by government agents."

"This is the type of legislation that outdoor voters asked for in the last election. Congress has a duty to defend the public's right to access federal lands in a responsible manner," Amador concludes.

Link to Congressman Herger TMR Bill:
Dear BRC Alert Subscriber,

The BlueRibbon Coalition believes it is important for our members to encourage their Member of the House to join Congressmen Lungren, McCarthy, and McClintock in cosponsoring Congressman Wally Herger's TMR legislation (H.R. 242)

HR 242 as placed in the Congressional Record on Jan. 26.

As many of you know, in California and elsewhere the Forest Service (FS) has closed thousands of miles of historic roads and trails to motorized uses.

Often these routes have FS markers and have been maintained by the agency using appropriated funds or special state funds such as the California OHV Program.

BRC Jan. 7 News Release on Proposal

BRC Commends 112th Congress for Addressing TMR Related Closures - Press Room

Although currently it is California specific, there may be FS units in your state where they closed routes in an unwarranted manner and could use a similar legislative fix.

The H.R. 242 contact at Congressman Herger's Office is Tyler Hamman.
His email is -

Thanks for taking the time to review and take action on this alert.


Don Amador
Western Representative
BlueRibbon Coalition, Inc.

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