BlueRibbon Coalition's Recreation News

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
A sample of the BlueRibbon Coalition's Recreation News
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Dear Rec News Subscribers,

Today we have some awfully disappointing news. Especially for me, because I recently bought a ticket on Frontier Airlines.

Frontier Airlines Partners With The Wilderness Society

I'm not certain there is a general awareness of the actual plans The Wilderness Society has for our public lands, especially in Colorado, where Frontier Airlines is based. If they achieve their goals, and Frontier's funds will certainly help them, an estimated 65% of all of Colorado's scenic public lands will be off limits to motorized vehicles, snowmobiles and even mountain bikes. And this 65% figure does not include lands in Colorado that are already designated Wilderness.

Like me, you might want to contact Frontier Airlines directly. Call them at: 800-432-1359 (first say "other options" and then "complaints and compliments").

Or write them at: Attn: Customer Relations. Frontier Airlines, Inc.,7001 Tower Road Denver, CO 80249-7312

Or you can register your opinion via their online customer service site:
Frontier Airlines: Contact Us

Enough Bad News!

As bad as that bad news was, we won't leave you without some good news on Secretary Salazar's Big Wilderness.

BRC won't blast an official update until President Obama actually signs the bill, but the budget amendment that precludes any funds for implementation of BLM's new never ending, ongoing Wilderness inventory and review survives in the current budget bill. At least for 2011. Sweet.

Okay everyone... cross your fingers!

Budget deal blocks Obama wilderness policy
Nation & World | Budget deal blocks Obama wilderness policy | Seattle Times Newspaper

Same story from NPR

Budget Deal Blocks Obama Wilderness Policy
Budget Deal Blocks Obama Wilderness Policy : NPR

Budget deal stops BLM Wild Lands inventory
Budget deal stops BLM Wild Lands inventory | Environment | Idaho Statesman

The greenies are really mad about it! Awwwwww... Don't you feel sorry for them?

Bingaman disappointed with budget proposal to cuff wilderness policy
- BRC Land Use Update

More on Salazar's Big Wilderness...

Lawmakers opine in favor of Salazar's Big Wilderness plans
Weighing the future of our big outdoors -- By Reps. Raul Grijalva, Diana DeGette, Jared Polis, Ben Ray Lujan and Martin Heinrich

Blogs -

And here is a good oped in opposition to Salazar's scheme..

BLM’s Wild Lands plan should be rescinded

What concerns me is the Wild Lands plan is just one more stroke-of-the-pen tool BLM has given itself to lock up our public land. Federal land managing agencies already have internal authority to create Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, Wilderness Study Areas, Prior-ity Protection Areas, No Lease Restric-tion for gas/oil development - to name a few.

The BLM handbook for this initiative has already been drawn up and the marketing plan is on the way. You can bet proponents are already identifying areas for designation as Wild Lands. It's de facto wilderness with the stroke-of-a-pen.

More good news!

PUBLIC LANDS: Court hands victory to BLM in Ore. off-highway vehicle case
- BRC Land Use Update

Lead Law Update

The folks at the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) and Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) are keeping up the pressure in DC to have that stupid lead law rescinded.

BIKES: Congressional Committee Hears Lead Law Testimony
MOTORCYCLING - BIKES: Congressional Committee Hears Lead Law Testimony


PARKS: Pro cycling race barred from Colorado National Monument
- BRC Land Use Update


Local man's two-sled creation a unique snowmobiling experience
Local man's two-sled creation a unique snowmobiling experience - The Herald Journal: Outdoors: outdoors, snowmobile,

Forest Service agrees to environmental review of proposed Snowbird expansion

BLM to Develop Travel Management Plan for Motorized Vehicles
BLM to Develop Travel Management Plan for Motorized Vehicles | St. George News |

Also from Utah

Paul Mortensen and I worked together for years when I was at the Utah Shared Access Alliance (USA-ALL). He was USA-ALL's attorney during that epic SUWA lawsuit. You know... the one where SUWA tried to elminate motorized vehicle use on over 9 million acres of BLM lands in Utah! (Did I mention that SUWA lost that in a rare 9-0 Supreme Court decision? Heh...)

Anyway.... During those years working with Paul, I often marveled at his quick wit and valuable legal-eagle oriented insight. Mortensen remains active in litigation across the west, and today the Deseret News printed an oped he recently wrote. File this in the "must read" department!

The debate over land use
The debate over land use | Deseret News


Yellowstone winter visitation drops, possibly because of heavy snowfall
Yellowstone winter visitation drops, possibly because of heavy snowfall


Lawsuit to block 450-foot cellphone tower near edge of BWCA wilderness in Minn. heads to trial

Lawsuit to block 450-foot cellphone tower near edge of BWCA wilderness in Minn. heads to trial | Markets | Market News | Canadian Business Online


Some big names in the outdoor Industry are supporting Montana's wilderness activists. How nice of them to push for millions of acres to be set aside for the exclusive use of their customers!

Montana Wilderness Association meeting April 29, 30
Montana Wilderness Association meeting April 29, 30 - The Clark Fork Chronicle

Montana Wilderness Association is grateful for this year’s business sponsors: DA Davidson and Co, Montana Imports, Northern Lights Trading Company, and Black Diamond.

Conservation groups challenge watershed plan, again
Conservation groups challenge watershed plan, again - The Bozeman Daily Chronicle: News

Washington State

Polygon plans to end Galbraith agreement with mountain-biking group
Polygon plans to end Galbraith agreement with mountain-biking group | Northwest News - The News Tribune

Fire destroys Marble Mountain snow shelter
Fire destroys Marble Mountain snow shelter | The Columbian


Fire Restrictions Coming to Hollister
Fire Restrictions Coming to Hollister - Central Coast News KION/KCBA

Burned forest value central to Tahoe logging fight
Burned forest value central to Tahoe logging fight |

Nevada/California/Lake Tahoe

Somewhat recreation related...

GUEST COLUMN: Democracy in Tahoe?
GUEST COLUMN: Democracy in Tahoe? |

Not recreation related...

Burned forest value central to Tahoe logging fight
Burned forest value central to Tahoe logging fight - San Jose Mercury News

Berry Junction bike trail back on track (free version only)
White Lake Beacon - Whitehall and Montague, Michigan - News, Weather, Sports, Webcam, Classifieds, Jobs, Homes, Cars and more.


Let bicyclists pay
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Let bicyclists pay

New York

Public can address DEC plan for 2 state forests


Hundreds express outrage at ATV proposal

In letters, e-mails, they oppose use of state land

By Wednesday, the agency had received 148 hard-copy letters about its ATV proposal. Writers opposed the rule by a ratio of 3-to-1: 111 opponents to 37 supporters.

BRC blasted an alert from the Vermon ATV Sportsmen Association today (VASA). VASA has a easy letter generator set up here. Let's help them even up the score, shall we?

VT State Lands Connector Trails in Jeopardy - Public Comments Needed!
VERMONT - VT State Lands Connector Trails in Jeopardy - Public Comments Needed! - BRC Action Alert


Forest Service builds new year-round facility near Cooke City
Forest Service builds new year-round facility near Cooke City


University of Idaho fraternity members pay more than $4,000 to repair public land damage
University of Idaho fraternity members pay more than $4,000 to repair public land damage :: The Republic


We're filing this in the "Hmmmmmm" department...

Between the Lines: Did Grand Canyon really not have shutdown plan?
Between the Lines: Did Grand Canyon really not have shutdown plan?

Automatic campfire ban nixed
Automatic campfire ban nixed


Here is a couple of articles on the "Forever Wild" effort

Advertiser editorial: Forever Wild real success

Teddy Roosevelt understood this


In the "how much Widlerness is enough?" department, we see that the never ending march for more Wilderness goes on and on and on....

EDITORIAL: Climbing Devil’s Staircase - Oregon’s delegation reintroduces its wilderness bills
Breaking local news, news updates, sports, business and weather | Eugene, Oregon | Springfield, Oregon | The Register-Guard

Mount Hood National Forest adopts limits on off-road vehicle use
Mount Hood National Forest adopts limits on off-road vehicle use |


New OHV trail near Crandon?
WJFW Newswatch 12: Email Story

Forest County Board member, Jimmy Landru Jr., says they are ready to handle the crowd, "We've already got the infrastructure in place, and we were hoping to convince the DNR that we were the best choice and we're still fighting for that yet."

If that doesn't work out Landru says this is an idea the county wants to pursue, "This is such a great idea that we're going to pursue it on our own whether or not the DNR comes up with any funds. We're hoping that they do, but we just can't sit back and do nothing."

John Schnorr and the gang at Wisconsin Off-Highway Vehicle Association, (WOHVA) are doing yoeman's work in the Badger State.


Outdoors Notes: DNR eyes input on ATV trail
Outdoors Notes: DNR eyes input on ATV trail | | Brainerd, Minnesota

OHV Riders: Wet Conditions Across Much of State Will Result in Seasonal Closures


This came across our news feed today:

Living In Gangland: Rural Gangs Claim Public Lands
Living In Gangland: Rural Gangs Claim Public Lands

A while back, the uber-radical anti-recreation gang at Puplic Employees for Enviornmental Responsibility was circulating a "report" from their clone "Rangers for Responsible Recreation" a group that listed current BLM Director, Robert Abbey as a paid consultant, about what they concluded was a OHV-related law enforcement crisis on public lands.

We asked for a copy of the materials the"report" was culled from and, of course, the "responsible" rangers weren't quite accurate with their facts. The information actually painted a concerning picture of law enforcement issues.

And, as Rec News readers might imagine, little of it had to do with out of control or "lawless" OHV users. The truth is there are real serious law enforcement issues on public lands.

The facts also show that OHV clubs, OHV users and OHV registration funds all contribute to law enforcement efforts.

Given Abbey's current position, I imagine he now is well aware of the dangerous situation many public lands users and law enforcement officers face on public lands.

I'm proud that our OHV community is engaged in effective partnerships with law enforcement agencies across the nation. Once again proving that "we are the REAL environmentalists."

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