BLM fee proposal = Glamis

dev's rzr

Active Member


<!--coloro:#FF0000--><!--/coloro-->ACTION ALERT<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
Let Your Voice Be Heard
Dunes Permit Fee Increase to Be Considered

The Desert Advisory Council will be meeting as the Recreation Resource Advisory Committee on Saturday, August 17th to consider a fee proposal regarding the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area.

<!--sizeo:5--><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#0000FF--><!--/coloro-->Meeting Details:
Date: August 17, 2013
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Place: Riverside Marriot Hotel
3400 Market, Riverside, CA 92501 <!--colorc-->

The aSa has submitted a letter to the committee expressing our concerns with the proposal.
Click here to read the aSa's comments.

Included in the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area Business Plan 2013 Fee Proposal below is the revised fee proposal.

"The adjusted 2014 fee for the Special Area Individual SRP would be $35 per seven-day period (week) when purchased off-site and $50 per week when purchased on-site. In addition, a seasonal permit would be available at off-site sales locations and at both BLM Ranger Stations for $150 per primary vehicle. Weekly permit prices would increase by $5 in 2016. Season permits would increase by $15 in the same year."

To view the entire document, please click on the link below.
Fee Proposal Document

<!--sizeo:6--><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#FF0000--><!--/coloro-->If you are unhappy with the BLM's new fee proposal, this is your chance to let your voice be heard. According to the BLM's press release, people who wish to bring recreation fee matters to the attention of the committee may file written statements with the committee before the meeting. A public input session will be provided during the meeting for individuals who wish to address the DAC. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->

Written comments should be sent to: <!--coloro:#0000FF--><!--/coloro-->Teri Raml, Bureau of Land Mangement, 22835 Calle San Juan de Los Lagos, Moreno Valley, CA 94553, or <!--sizec--><!--/sizec--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->

This post has been edited by glamisrider1: Today, 06:41 AM <!--IBF.ATTACHMENT_4513782-->
<!-- THE POST -->
I have been going to Glamis since 1986 and I really love it and started to of course take my kids to as our family started but the last few years out there kind of sucked. with all of the Tough Guy Cops strong arming everyone and the Fees keep going up so we have started riding more areas around Az. So Socal and the BLM and Imperial county Sheriff can go suck it. I knew the day they started the Fee program it was gonna just get worse like every fee plan does. They only go up. So good luck with your complaints they will fall on deaf ears. They already made the new fees up so guess what you own it.

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