BITD UTV/DSR1 class 2013 update

There are 2 rule changes for 2013 BITD UTV/DSR1 classes will be a mandatory spec blue strobe light. Yes! we will now be required to have 4 rear facing safety lights. This new light will make it safer for our classes by making us more visable in the dust. This light will only be required when we are racing with the trucks and buggies. Just like IRC tracking. This light must be purchased from Jim Conner Racing 928-855-0912 or UTV Racing Association 602-769-6164. No other light will be accepted! All UTVs and DSR1 vehicles will have to have this light. The mandatory spec blue strobe light will be available for purchase March 1 2013. The price for the light will be $100 to $120. I will post the correct price when I recieve that information. The light must be mounted just below the roof line and be clearly visable. The light must be wired to the ignition switch. The light has a stud mount that requires a 3/8 hole. The second rule change is, that the 2 required onboard fire extinguishers need to be 2.5lb. In the past a smaller extinguisher was allowed for the second. The smaller extinguisher will no longer be allowed. All teams will need to have the two 2.5lb extinguishers for the Mint 400 race. Please if you are building a new UTV/DSR1 contact me before your first race. Any questions please e-mail or call me 602-769-6164 Corey S
2 fire Extinguishers is a good idea regardless, it wasnt a rule but we have been running 2 all season. I dont agree with supporting a vedor in competition with your current sponsors when your sponsors have the same light thats probably brighter but I guess it is what it is.
i wrote an answer to this this am and decided not to post as not to upset anyone but i agree its BS to be required to buy a specific light from the tech official or One other supplier. Why not specify what it needs to do or provide a cross reference with other manufactures. Thats my .02 cents but who am i>? i dont run BITD
Just to be clear the light is being mandated by Casey Folks (owner of BITD) UTVRA has nothing to do with it. The light will be sold to the racers at cost (no profit will be made). Casey has more experience in providing SAFE offroad racing than any of us and I would appreciate if we could all trust his judgement on this and not complain about it. I love racing BITD in my UTV and don't want it to end because a UTV/DSR1 got run over by a TT. Safety should always be proactive not reactive. Thank you for your support :D
Just to be clear the light is being mandated by Casey Folks (owner of BITD) UTVRA has nothing to do with it. The light will be sold to the racers at cost (no profit will be made). Casey has more experience in providing SAFE offroad racing than any of us and I would appreciate if we could all trust his judgement on this and not complain about it. I love racing BITD in my UTV and don't want it to end because a UTV/DSR1 got run over by a TT. Safety should always be proactive not reactive. Thank you for your support :D

I am not dis agreeing on needing a bright light to be seen, I am dis agreeing that a man dated light should NOT have to be purchased from one said manufacture. IE KC lights. We ran a Blue Rigid Industried light on our old car last season and I gaurentee it is as bright if not brighter than the KC light. How do you think our sponsors are going to feel about us adding a Competitors light onto our vehicle when they make the exact same light and have been for a long time. Thats the only point I am trying to make.
I would put 4 on the back of mine. We got tagged at the mint by a prerunner (trophy truck) scared the sh-- out of us (they were prerunning in our class). V2R Rossler passed us at the 240 mile mark with 2nd place 1 min behind going about 100 mph. my 1st thought was this isn't worth it. We raced the rest of the V2R with no nets for better rear vission. I wasted at least an hour pulling over for traffic. Soon as the trophy & class 1s were pass we were racing again.
Utv's should never run before these classes (why not let 50cc scooters on the freeways - because its stupid & dangerous) TT drivers call us golfcarts - we call them assholes, why not run us where we belong. It'll all come to end when a trophy truck kills 2 racers in a utv .
ps when we got stuck in a cross wash - it was scary as hell when the trucks were comming on us. Rich
As Cory Stated...he's just caught in the middle and I know you guys understand that.. I did bring up the fact that we already run this kind of light (Rigid) to Casey when he made the annoucement that these lights were going to be required... he just said "EVERYBODY" thats running Blue lights, are going to run this light no matter if you have another light sponsor or not.. His Series, his rules. I don't think Rigid or anybody else really cares if we are required to run another light when its mandatory. My .02
Rigid lights are #1 in the Offroad market!

I find this BS.
I don't even race but I do take pictures of these lights at the races.

Just stearing the pot!
Had a big lighting sponsor call me today about this new rule. They are not happy about this at all. Bassicly said they will need to consider their involvement for next year. I see their point 110%.
Casey doesn't just do this with lights so get used to it.
This whole thing is BS, my rigid light is bigger and brighter than any KC light. The spec light will be overshadowed by my Rigid light. I guess Casey will soon be telling us what type of wheels to run, radios to use etc. Corey is not just the messenger remember he is the UTV representative to BITD. Why don't some of the TT drivers learn to drive with a little bit more concern for the other vehicles on course, same way we do with the bikes and quads. Another blue light is not going to stop a trophy truck from hitting someone and what about some decent lighting for the bikes and quads? Furthermore in regards to respect for the UTV class it doesn't come from Internet posts, it comes from professionalism in the way we treat other competitors. I have been told on more than one occasion by both Casey and Corey if I don't like the way it is I could always race somewhere else! Guess what HDRA's first race is in January, they are guaranteeing TV coverage for all, that's huge for our sponsors who are looking for a little return.
Just my .02 worth.
I agree with Cook. We are already running a blinking LED blue light. What is another one going to do for us or them? And why just the UTV's. There are a lot of other cars out there that are slower than we are. Are they going to be required to run this light also?
i am pretty sure its all blue light cars are required.
At the Desert Challenge driver's meeting it was only the UTV drivers that were asked to stay for a short meeting and that's when it was first told to us. There was no mention of the other blue light cars at that time.
I thought I read that Jeepspeeds had to run the blue light as well?

Sean, in regards to your TT post. TT is the premier class in the sport. Majority race with great respect, some I am sure are a bit squirly but I can assure you none want a collision to occur with a UTV. The real problem here in my opinion is where Casey starts the UTVs. In a race like V2R the UTVs should be ran behind the TTs. Only 1 UTV finished before the unlimited 4 wheel
Vehicles at v2r and that is the 1st time that has ever happened. Everyone else got into traffic with the bigger classes. It's asking for a situation to happen. UTVs will get a ton more respect from other classes when they are lined up where they belong with 1600 cars and not quads. I think it was you on the podium saying you were held up by the slower quads and bikes who wouldn't move? Well, that's the same thing we hear from racers in bigger classes about UTVs.

In talking with Brandon Schueler a couple weeks back he told me that at v2r as long as he is running up near the front he is ok. The top 5-10 TTs and buggies are running for the win, want to keep a clean race with no incident and therefor pass with respect. It's the slower guys in the big classes who are trying to make up time that are the sketchy ones to get passed by and ubfortunatley for UTVs the majority of the class have to worry about being passed by those guys as well as all the lesser classes who think they are TT drivers.

There is no easy solution to all of this but I think SCORE has it right. Start UTVs where they fall in terms of time. They are not bikes. As for the light. I think it's unfair to be told you have to run a competitors light if you are sponsored by a competing company. Seems weird to me that no other company is givin the specs that they must conform too to produce the same light for their sponsored racers. I could see why VisionX, Rigid, Baja Designs, etc would be upset.
Joey, I would have to agree with you about the TT drivers, I have never had an issue it's what I have read and from what I have been told. The problem is Casey does not want to discuss these issues with us. Our only recourse is Corey and we all know how that goes. The UTV class should not be racing with the motorcycles and quads, I have gopro footage from my car showing us behind 2 different quads with our horn blairing and they would not move over, one actually looked back and then tried to accelerate, didn't work! Until Casey actually takes us seriously and Corey is no longer the go between things will not change. There are other venues out there that appear to be more appealing for us and our sponsors.
i am pretty sure it would be more dangerous starting in the middle of all the offroad cars/trucks.the safest spot is all the way in the back of all the cars and trucks or in the back of quads/bikes with about a 5 to 6 hour gap before cars and trucks we are off course when cars and trucks get close. on the respect thing we have it ask casey and all the tt/cars what they drive around when not racing or in the pits or being an official.or better yet ask BJ and kroyer racing they will tell you. and rigid rear light bar with blue/amber is above and beyond brighter than anyone of our little oval lights just saying.
FYI for any racers who are watching this thread:
I just recieved a phone call from Casey Folks at BITD, he was very upset because someone from this post had called him to let him know I had posted my disagreement over the new blue light. Here is some of the conversation:

New blue light will be mandated by BITD, it will be from KC lights, even if your existing light FAR EXCEEDS the ability of the KC light you will still be required to have one. This light is for all vehicles running a blue light.

I asked Casey if this would apply to Jeepspeed and other slower classes that run a blue light and he said "of course NOT" they are caged vehicles and can handle an impact. I thought we were too!
The conversation continued on about were to start us, Casey believes our finishing count will be higher if we start behind the motorcycles and quads, he feels the track is to damaged to start us directly behind the rest of the cars and trucks. What is the difference?

Casey was very upset that I have posted anything about him or BITD on this forum. I apoligize if I have offended Casey or any other competitor by speaking my mind, but last I checked this was an OPEN FORUM!
Casey really should read this forum rather than relying on Corey to inform him!

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