BITD Class Vote on turbos

Boy if this is how it is ive done missed the boat !

I think things have changed so fast that Polaris really does not know who the TOP three Factory Teams are ?
and just like me when they gave me a car they had no clue I would do halfway decent lol nor did I ..

so tell me please who are the top three teams and why you think they are the top three teams and If they do not finish the season out as top points in the class are they still the top three ?

I don't begrudge you guys your factory support or brand new cars one bit. My statement was as follows:

"..what top 3 factory sponsored team in the history of racing anything has NOT had the factory bend over backwards in the last two races to accommodate them..especially when that company leads all others in the a country mile?.."

This was in response to someone claiming that the only way to source a transmission during race season through Polaris...was to pull it off of a production line. I simply disagreed.

Maybe the only ones who weren't surprised (given the overall quality of your team, prep, etc.) that you did so well at V2R were you and everybody at Polaris besides the engineers who (finally) fixed our nightmare XPs with confidence.

It's that same confidence that your competitors (now) are concerned with and I frankly feel that they should be for these last few races if a '16 XP is not in their shop being built right now.
This topic has gone around and around. End of the day, the top teams, my opinion, UTV Inc., Cognito and JaggedX will be fine. Newbs like me will be fine because we still have the wallets open on our 2015 xp4 NA builds. We are, like most newbs, naive and think we can throw money at this class and win. I actually believe we can win because we have elements of a top team, per Johnny's comment earlier. Good builder, experienced support team members and drivers that have won a lot in other classes. We have an XP4 in parts on the floor and our new RZR Turbo was delivered today. We are at no disadvantage to the factory guys. This is not a small backyard class anymore. It is now like the other desert racing classes. High stakes and expensive.

I hope that the grassroots guys that built this into a real force continue to play. Case by case basis I guess. I think everyone else that is moving to PRO UTV understands the stakes... UTV is real desert racing and there will be guys with factory sponsors and guys that don't care what it costs to be competitive. Sh!t just got real...

Hope this wasn't too dramatic. Just what I was thinking... Fired up to race with this group. Can't wait...

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This topic has gone around and around. End of the day, the top teams, my opinion, UTV Inc., Cognito and JaggedX will be fine. Newbs like me will be fine because we still have the wallets open on our 2015 xp4 NA builds. We are, like most newbs, naive and think we can throw money at this class and win. I actually believe we can win because we have elements of a top team, per Johnny's comment earlier. Good builder, experienced support team members and drivers that have won a lot in other classes. We have an XP4 in parts on the floor and our new RZR Turbo was delivered today. We are at no disadvantage to the factory guys. This is not a small backyard class anymore. It is now like the other desert racing classes. High stakes and expensive.

I hope that the grassroots guys that built this into a real force continue to play. Case by case basis I guess. I think everyone else that is moving to PRO UTV understands the stakes... UTV is real desert racing and there will be guys with factory sponsors and guys that don't care what it costs to be competitive. Sh!t just got real...

Hope this wasn't too dramatic. Just what I was thinking... Fired up to race with this group. Can't wait...

Not disparaging your comments in any manner and most likely feeling the same way if i had the cash to burn (excited to finally race the top dogs)...but the above post is most likely the historic turning point for this class not counting Johnny's 12 day (beefed up) turbo 'miracle' build/resulting finish.

Nerf away (or watch your mirrors) and good luck! ;)

Yes, we are sponsored by mystik and we use AGL transmission oil. We use Mystik for all of our CV grease and engine oils. The transmission is completely stock except for inspection after X amount of miles in which we replace necessary bearings. Less is more in this situation.....the more you molest shit the more prone to failure. We do all of our transmission work in house, Brandon builds engines not Transmissions.

Its no secret the our engine is built. Its built with the Best the Best builder. Any time you are building more power you would be a fool to leave stock rods in. However look at the guys that run stock engines. I dont see a bunch of smashed cases.

Hey if AGL works for you guys, awesome. I know that I'll stick with a better quality oil, but I also like to take the known weak links out before they become an issue, especially when I know I can source better parts. Best parts, and best builders is all a relative term, just like the term fast. What you think is fast, isn't fast to others. The cast fractured rods can't handle the sustained RPM of desert racing, that's why they snap, no secret there. Not putting rods in even a "stock" car is asinine, 8700+ RPM is 8700+ RPM.
This topic has gone around and around. End of the day, the top teams, my opinion, UTV Inc., Cognito and JaggedX will be fine. Newbs like me will be fine because we still have the wallets open on our 2015 xp4 NA builds. We are, like most newbs, naive and think we can throw money at this class and win. I actually believe we can win because we have elements of a top team, per Johnny's comment earlier. Good builder, experienced support team members and drivers that have won a lot in other classes. We have an XP4 in parts on the floor and our new RZR Turbo was delivered today. We are at no disadvantage to the factory guys. This is not a small backyard class anymore. It is now like the other desert racing classes. High stakes and expensive.

I hope that the grassroots guys that built this into a real force continue to play. Case by case basis I guess. I think everyone else that is moving to PRO UTV understands the stakes... UTV is real desert racing and there will be guys with factory sponsors and guys that don't care what it costs to be competitive. Sh!t just got real...

Hope this wasn't too dramatic. Just what I was thinking... Fired up to race with this group. Can't wait...

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Love it! Welcome now lets go racing!!!!!!
Not disparaging your comments in any manner and most likely feeling the same way if i had the cash to burn (excited to finally race the top dogs)...but the above post is most likely the historic turning point for this class not counting Johnny's 12 day (beefed up) turbo 'miracle' build/resulting finish.

Nerf away (or watch your mirrors) and good luck! ;)

All good. I think we are going to see a lot of miracle builds here at the end of the season and Parker is going to like a car show. Everyone looking under the hoods. "Dude did you see what Johnny built???" I think there are a lot of wrenches turning right now. BTW, we took the Turbo car out today for a little spin. Damn, that thing is fast. Like seriously fast. Going to take it to Hodge this weekend and see how it does. Will video and post info...

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The AGL in my transmission has worked great for now going on 3500 race miles, also the stock rods in my engine have also seemed to get the job done as well.

Braver man than I, but as a factory racer I wouldn't expect you to say any different. I'm a one and done kinda guy. Any kind of parts failure and I'm looking for other avenues, but I see a lot more motors and transmissions than most.
If you wanna race, you wanna race it is that simple. Next step is to find where you fit in, with the popularity of UTV's and the money being thrown around on them it was inevitable that some racers would eventually be run out of the class. It is just a fact of life, it takes resources (money) to do the things you want to do. Just because someone can't sustain a Best in The Desert run doesn't mean they shouldn't keep racing, Buy up the used cars that these BITD teams are selling to jump to the next best thing and go race a local series, that is where the grassroots will be now. Not everybody makes it to the NFL,NBA, or NHL, just like not everybody can race SCORE or BITD.
I think im going to make a second stupid user name too so I can come on here and brag about shit I dont have to prove .......... i fucked 6 bitches last night ... and then built a couple of motors lol shits getting stupid here

It's like junior high.... If you can't introduce yourself, who cares.
well my name is adam

i have a pretty pet dog

for some reason i like corn dogs

i have a pretty trailer i drag across the country for these races and i love spending 10 hours to wash it before each race and stopping every few miles to spit shine the bugs off it.

my tires are better than your tires.... i dont care what you run, even if you have the same tires as me, mine are better.

i like bulldozers and big equipment

i like my shop clean

its september 1st and my little girl turns 6 today i am blowing up balloons so when she wakes up she sees a ton of balloons before she goes off to school.

my dog likes sleeping in my recliner

and i cant figure out why you kneegers dont have sweet tea out there. when you ask for sweet tea they hand you rasberry tea or some other concoction of the worst shit you can put in a liquid drink that completely ruins the tea.
For the non-factory backed guys and newbs, I shopped around for the best deal on the new Turbo and Christina from Coyne Motorsports had the best price. Probably because they do not have a showroom right now because of the construction. Either way, price was the best I found and they delivered for free. In case anyone else is going to do a heart transplant for their 4 seater... Christina - 9514427451 Not a paid actor, just giving the group the info... Also if anyone wants a Polaris RZR 2016 Turbo with NA guts, let me know. Will make smoking deal...
Kornfed. You can't put a turbo motor in a xp4, untill they release one. Just letting you know.
Technically I can put a turbo motor in my car. :D Can I race it, not until the new one is released. My understanding is that the new XP4 Turbo will be out before 2016 season. Our first race is Parker 250. I am taking the risk that the XP4 Turbo has the same chassis and that it will be out in time for the 2016 BITD season. Lots of things have to line up. I think I will be good to go from all indications. And have a head start on you guys. :D if not, OUCH!!!! Thanks for the heads up. if XP4 is not out, then going to have to scramble for an NA motor package. Really hope I am right...
We would put an NA motor in it and run in PRO. I really think it is going to work out, but we have a parachute plan just in case.

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