Bike guy going sidexside


New Member
Well the time has come to get a sidexside. The wife and I are looking at trading in her raptor 250 and my yz250f on a rzr.

I have been riding/racing dirt bikes my whole life. I'm ready to try riding/racing in a rzr with my wife. I need your guys help.

I need a sidexside that is 50in legal and I can still race with. I believe I have 2 options. The 570 rzr and the 800 rzr. I will only be buying a base model. The wife and I want to build it how we want so there is no need for the LE's.

So do I buy a 570 or do I buy a 800? We want to race ours and hope that there are classes out there for both the 570 and 800 in a 50in setup.

Can't wait to hear from you guys/gals!!! :)
WELCOME TO THE UNDERGROUND , I would go with the 800 and never wounder what you were missing in HP . Enjoy what ever one you get .
well im gonna pipe in.. good job getting in a cage, good luck staying off the bike haha... both the 570 and 800 are kickass..good luck with your purchase!
I went ahead and finished the deal on a 13 base 570. I bought it for 9,6**.** . I couldn't pass up the price. I will post some pics as soon as I pick it up. I can't wait to start modding:)
I think you made the right choice with the 570, I have heard they are just as fast as the 800s and when you race you get to race in a smaller cc class. Good luck with the build and get ready to spend some money. It gets so addicting :)
Thanks for the welcome.:D I already got all the ugly warning stickers off. I'm currently working on a fix for the intake tube that was so poorly designed for the 570.:mad:
I've owned/raced an 800. And driven a 570. You made the right choice. Don't be fooled by the cc deficit, the 800 is VERY in efficient for its size. The 570 is a much better step in the right direction. Enjoy the car.
I think the 570's are cute

Welcome to the addiction!

I'm going from 100% SxS back to bike! My son (8 years old) is learning to ride, so I got back in it.
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