For those who have never been or done a Baja Trip here are some tips.
1) You will need to have your Truck, Trailer & UTV registration with you when crossing into Mexico. I always carried photo copies, but my last trip, last week. I was told I needed original Registration docs and to not bring photo copies. Also know where your VIN's are to speed things up. Make sure your trailer has the VIN stamped or stickers. Again they made a big deal about one of our trailers VIN sticker being unreadable. But we all crossed just fine after saying sorry!
Now not all Mexico agents make a big deal about the same stuff. This was a first time for me to have Reg & VIN issues with carrying photo copies of the Registration. We were also carrying extra fuel cans and he did not make one comment about it, and that's a typical issue with them. So go figure??
2) Make sure you buy Mexico Auto insurance. It's illegal in Mexico to not have it. Think of it as your get out of jail card, if you needed it. Make sure your trailer is added and part of your truck policy, as it's not like here in the USA where it's automatically covered when your towing it. Liability is all you need on the trailer. Plus have them add your UTV as it too will not be covered when on your trailer if not noted on the policy.
Next get insurance for your UTV. Since you will be driving on the Black Top Hwy, and many public dirt roads. You again should have insurance to cover your butt if in an accident. Don't skimp and try to save $45-$50 and not protect yourself.
My suggestion and preference for Baja insurance is Baja Bound Insurance. You can find them online, they are based in San Diego and are riders too! You can buy online or call and they can get you set up. If you chose to do it online, just know they only offer minimum liability for your UTV. If you want more or want higher coverages, you would have to call them. I personally like more coverage and call mine in. I get $500,000 in liability coverage.