Baja Alert! Stolen Truck


Well-Known Member
Just read this on RDC. Be on the look out! I hope everything turns out OK!

"Cognito Motorsports just got there chase truck with the race car stolen on the ocean front street while eating lunch! Lucky one of the guys went out to check on it! As he walked out the door it was driving by. Some heads up work chasing it down and it was retrieved. Screwdriver and vise grips is all it took!"

I love Baja and think its one of the best places on this earth. But I hate the big towns, and during big events like the Baja 500 & 1000 the thieves come out, just like they do here in the states. Our team policy was someone always stayed with the truck, trailer or race car when in town. We would rotate and take turns if necessary.
Wow, that would have been a quick end to their race.

Glad to hear they retrieved it, hope all is well.
Just had some luggage and communications stolen out of my truck while eating lunch around the corner from my truck. Does anyone know what to do when a passport is stolen?

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Just had some luggage and communications stolen out of my truck while eating lunch around the corner from my truck. Does anyone know what to do when a passport is stolen?

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Per the US Customs;
Report your missing passport immediately. This is the crucial first step in replacing your lost or stolen passport. Call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778. You will be asked to fill out the form "DS-64":, which will validate your claim.

The good news is coming back from Baja is much easier as its a land boarder crossing and your not flying. If you have your drivers license and a second form of ID you should be OK. Chances are your going to get pulled into secondary inspection, so they can run your info.

But I would defiantly call it in. You don't want someone using it to cross the boarder under your name or comiting crimes with your name & info.

We also have made photo copies of our passports, land passes & drivers license and packed them in another bag, or hiding place. This way you in theory will have some sort of back up. Just like you stash money all over and don't carry it all in your wallet or bag.

Again if your going to park somewhere in town where you can't see your truck or gear, someone needs to stay with your equipment. Take shifts, so everyone gets a chance to eat, shop or whatever.
I also built my own cable locks from some coated braided wire you can buy at Home Depot in the chain section. I make the cables length from 15-25 feet long with loops on both ends. OK bolt cutters will cut the cables, but the idea is you loop them threw everything, making it where they can't just grab & go! It keeps the honest, honest, as the bad guys that are looking to steal are going to steal. But if you make it a challenge they will move on to easier pray.

We had a guy try to grab a jack one time while we were standing at a taco stand. Unless he had cutters, or could pull 1000 lbs worth of stuff, he was not getting it.

We also carry little walki talkie type radios with us so we can all communicate while at contingency. The little Blue Ruggeds work great for this too.
Effen Todd! You're always in the know. Tech, logistics/reconnaissance, legalities, promotion, history, WTF don't you know! How you are not currently employed by one if the top TT teams is beyond me. Between you and Haans, there is no one more informed or capable of the task of desert racing. These misfortunes posted in this thread. The unfortunate "happenings" while in Mexico, they are all validations for teams to stay away. If it weren't for a team member directly in front of me coming home from the 2014 1000, an over zealous federale' would have Impounded Marc's chase truck and Monstermav just a stones throw away from the Tecate crossing minutes before it closed. As I'm pulling the branded shit watching Marc blow through stop signs in his van, I get pulled over for the same infraction (which I was not guilty of), and the fat greedy slob tried telling me it was a phelonias offense, that warranted impounding the merchandise. Thanks to team member
"Johny-cat" engaging the crooked cop, I was able to bail for the border crossing before the idiot could call for a towing apparatus. Fucking Mexico!
For the record guys....we could see our truck from our of our guys got up to get a closer visual as he did it came driving by...the theif was in and gone in seconds. We chased that deal down and recovered it in less than a mile
Just had some luggage and communications stolen out of my truck while eating lunch around the corner from my truck. Does anyone know what to do when a passport is stolen?

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Hire a

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Where were you guys at?
We were on the street in front of the dirt parking lot where everyone parks for T/C. We were across the street attempting to have breakfast. We had a visual on the truck but with traffic and such we missed them punching the lock and getting in it. We watched it drive by and the 8 of us scattered like ants and chased them down.
Those Dirty bastards are quick lol. By the time you dump some salsa an your burrito they have the locks popped.

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I am so scared of getting stuff stolen, I even put my electric jack down on my trailer and disconnect the battery.


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