Back-up Alarm Beepers Now Available for Polaris ATVs and Side-by-sides


Back-up Alarm Beepers Now Available for Polaris ATVs and Side-by-sides

MCCruise opens door to more sales, new markets for Polaris dealers

Mount Waverley, Victoria January, 2018—MotorCycle Cruise Controls (MCCruise), a global leader in precision speed control devices, has developed a reverse motion warning kit specifically for Polaris vehicles used by government and corporations subject to OH&S requirements. Often a fundamental requirement in tender applications for large fleet buyers, so-called back-up beepers from MCCruise open profitable new markets for Polaris dealers in the US.

The MCCruise reverse beeper kit was developed in direct response to a request from Polaris Industries Australia to fulfill a tender requirement for a Victorian State Government Department. The new broader availability to Polaris dealers worldwide will open new, important sales opportunities. Every MCCruise kit comes with start-to-finish sales and service support and a commitment to total customer satisfaction.

Dealers' buying advantage

Reverse beepers may be purchased at retail directly from the MCCruise website at Authorized Polaris dealers are eligible for trade discount. International payment is made via the website. Australian dealers are eligible for EFT and strict 21-day terms. To order and for more information, dealers should visit, e-mail to, or call +613 9808 2804.

About Motorcycle Cruise Controls

Headquartered in Victoria, Australia, MCCruise founders Tony and Frank Guymer first designed an electronic cruise control for motorcycles in 1996 and have expanded that product line to include over 150 motorcycle models and manufacturers. They continue to develop products and applications reaching new markets around the world, including ATV, UTV, and tractor installations within agricultural, utility, mining, and transportation industries. MCCruise products reduce risk of operator injury and lower insurance and vehicle maintenance costs. More information about MotorCycle Cruise Controls, its products, and corporate mission may be found at

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