arctic cat LT


New Member
i guess im one of those poor soles that own a unsupported xtz . id love to long travel my cat but i just cant justify the $5500+ its gonna cost to do it . i know the Rhino have a huge aftermarket support and ive seen LT kits for them as low as $2500 , granted it probably get what ya pay for at that price .

question is who out there offer a well built LT for a Arctic cat at a decent price . i would like one that moves the wheel base back 2" and forward 1"

thanks for the help

Thanks for the plug JD!

Here is a snap of our AC kit. Please feel free to contact me for details if interested.

very nice ! it looks like you guys did away with the stock ball joints that like to fall out ! lol i run a heavy 4 seater witha large tail gate rack for lots of beer and gear . does your kit move the rear wheels back any ?
Matthew, I agree with Joey, I've seen Magnum's products and they are top notch.
Keep in mind, a set of Fox or King Shocks will run $2000 to $2500 by themselves, a good set of Summers Bros 300M Axles will run $1000 or more, so it's easy to see how a LT kit can get pricey. $4299 is less than dealer price for some other name brand kits...
sorry igeuss my first post did make it sound like i was a tight ass penny pincher !i know what goes into building these products i had just been unable to find a well built kit at a reasonable price . i had noticed that alot of builders were offering the same kind of kit for other makes but didnt offer for AC or a compribale kit for a AC was more expenisve ...

no im not complaining one bit about magnums price thats a hella good deal! and i wish i had asked this back in april when they had these kits on sale !!! oh well day late n dollar short !

who at magnum should i talk to?

thanks again

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