Anyone into guns??

You only have to replace the bullet button with new style if registered as AW but if you go featureless you can remove it all together correct.

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I believe it's the other way around, or atleast the way it was explained to me just yesterday. If registered as a AW then you don't need any form of bullet or levor release. You can use the original push button to release the mag like pre 1999 laws. If you go featureless then you need the new levor style to be compliant. At least that's how I understood it? Again there are so many questions and 10 different answers. I'm totally confused on the 80% lowers and what to do?

This is why I think and hope this ends up in court. If it does I can see allot of these laws being shown as illegal and dismissed.
Yes the magazine release"bullet button" you most likely have will be illegal and be a Felony if you are caught with it, and if not registered as an Assault Riffle with the DOJ. The new legal "botton"' will be a pin and levor. You will pull the hinge pin to open the upper & lower, then where your bullet button is, will be a levor that only after the gun is opened will release the mag. Again a joke, but this design was invented by the guy who invented the bullet button, which was invented to get around the first ban back in 99. He read this new law and made a mag release, as the idea of the law was to keep you from being able to remove the magazine at all.

I believe it's the other way around, or atleast the way it was explained to me just yesterday. If registered as a AW then you don't need any form of bullet or levor release. You can use the original push button to release the mag like pre 1999 laws. If you go featureless then you need the new levor style to be compliant. At least that's how I understood it? Again there are so many questions and 10 different answers. I'm totally confused on the 80% lowers and what to do?

This is why I think and hope this ends up in court. If it does I can see allot of these laws being shown as illegal and dismissed.

This is how i understand the law.
I believe it's the other way around, or atleast the way it was explained to me just yesterday. If registered as a AW then you don't need any form of bullet or levor release. You can use the original push button to release the mag like pre 1999 laws. If you go featureless then you need the new levor style to be compliant. At least that's how I understood it? Again there are so many questions and 10 different answers. I'm totally confused on the 80% lowers and what to do?

This is why I think and hope this ends up in court. If it does I can see allot of these laws being shown as illegal and dismissed.

Just to add a bit more confusion.. My understanding was the fact that the mag is no longer removable by adding the lever lock you are able to avoid the AW registration and the featureless need.. Not sure if you guys had any more insight on that path...
Wow i had no idea CA residents were dealing with that kind of gun legislation...i knew it had gotten bad but that is just ridiculous.

Oh it's worse, the uninformed voters in Cali also voted Yes on Prop 63. Prop 63 limits the size of magazines to 10 rounds of ammo. All ammo vendors have to register for a selling license to be able to sell and do ammo background checks. All people buying ammo will have to get a background check before you can buy ammo It's said you will have to buy a $50 ammo permit, which is how they will do the pre background ammo check. Bans mail order/ internet ammo purchases, out of state purchases of ammo. You will be limited to amounts you can buy at one transaction. If more then 3000 rounds are purchased over a specific amount of time, the DOJ will be notified to check the buyer. All this will take effect over the next two years.

Lt Governor Gavin Newsom proposed this bill and had Diane Feinstein support it. This Gavin Newsom's a bad guy, he is being groomed to be California's next democrat governor. You think it bad now, if this guy becomes our Governor we are in deep trouble. Newsom when Mayor of SF supported Sanctuary City's, since the Trump Presidential win Newsom is pushing for Sanctuary Collages, and if he gets his way all of California will be a Sanctuary State. He was a big part of same sex marriage in California,and supports the no gender bathroom rules. This guy does not care about our rights to ride on public land.
I can't wait for my kids to all be done with school so I can move out of this state. I love so many things about CA, born and raised, but I hate the taxes, cost of living and laws.
I can't believe people can stand it there and the god damn cost of living is shocking. That's cause all of you are supporting a whole bunch of welfare programs and illegals .

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It's sickening that all the people in the big cities dictate how we can live outside of the cities. Half the time they have no clue about life outside the city and make laws that are absolutely retarded. Guns for one and don't get me going on the BLM closing roads and trails that have been there for decades just because they want to.

The no loaning guns to family or friends law really sucks!

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Getting back to what mods you want to do... One of the biggest mistakes is to put the wrong optics on an AR. It all depends how you are going to use it. You can shoot out to 100 or even 200 yards with no magnification. Something like a red dot that co-witnesses with your iron or flip up sights is my preference. The easy target acquisition make it fun to move back and forth between targets. Unless you are going to be shooting out farther than 200 I would keep it under x4 magnification.
I can't believe people can stand it there and the god damn cost of living is shocking. That's cause all of you are supporting a whole bunch of welfare programs and illegals .

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I'm committed to taking care of my 91 year old father. Is that a good enough reason to stay?
All this bitching about the new gun laws but how many of you are members of NRA, Firearms Policy Coalition or any other organization that fights to protect of 2A rights? I commit $20 every month to the FPC.
Just to add a bit more confusion.. My understanding was the fact that the mag is no longer removable by adding the lever lock you are able to avoid the AW registration and the featureless need..Not sure if you guys had any more insight on that path...
I got a copy of the legislation from the NRA. It states that if the lever lock is installed it need not be registered. That makes the magazine fixed. If the rifle is featureless like a box stock Mini-14 it need not be registered. I'll go back and look again to make sure.

Edit- Article 2 of proposed regs. Pursuant to penal code 30515. Section 5471. Sub-section HH. A semi-automatic firearm that is featureless will not be registered.

Here's an interesting loophole. Article 3. Pursuant to penal code 30900. A firearm that is missing key parts such as the bolt or firing pin or the upper and lower receivers of an AR type, are not assembled together, are not considered semiautomatic so does not fall under proposed laws. So keep yur AR without the bolt installed and you should be able to possess it without registering. We'll see how this stands up in court!
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I was a member of NRA and they called/emailed asking for money more then any other organization i have ever been a part got so bad to the point that i cancelled my membership.

What are some other organizations you all are members of that are not such money grubbers?
I was a member of NRA and they called/emailed asking for money more then any other organization i have ever been a part got so bad to the point that i cancelled my membership.

What are some other organizations you all are members of that are not such money grubbers?
National Association for Gun Rights. I feel the same way as you abou the NRA.
If you search for opinions of the National Association for Gun Rights on any gun board you will find a lot of negative stuff about them. I don't have any personal opinion on them just what I found in the bit of research I did after they were mentioned here. Be careful of some "gun groups". They will say they are for gun rights but also lobby for "common sense" gun laws that actually limit our freedoms. Do your homework before you send any group money. Those that want to impose ever restrictive laws on Americans have gotten real good at using misleading language and names. I personally have had good experiences with NRA. They do mail junk mail about once a month but other than that have not been solicited for additional money.

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