Well the old trusty Xp1000 was not so trusty today. Stupid T-MAP sensor went bad and it ended the day .9 miles from the start.
Thanks Grumpy for making sure we made it back to the staging area.
Thanks to Jetworld Powersports in Castaic I should be up in running some point next week. They did not have the part in stock. If they did Zane and I were going to head back and see if we could catch back up with the group.
Thanks to Dave (aka: Truckingdave, Trailplug ) Bill and the rest of the crew for another great trip, the wife and I had a blast. A big thanks to Mike for the Saturday evening Pizza's. I cant for get to mention Larry (japinthebox), thanks for keeping us entertained. I cant wait to see some pic's.
Noel, I am glad to see it was something simple and your back up and running. I figured it was the TPS or maybe injector harness.
Again thanks, The wife and I had a great time. See you all on the next one.
Thank you Dave for putting this trip together each year. It was a awesome weekend of hanging out with friends and riding. Thank you Mike for the pizza and Larry the shot master. Glad it is not a difficult fix Noel and was still good to see you and Zane for a few minutes.